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My dream was that I was in

My dream was that I was in this place. I could see everything. There was a river of dead bodies floating down it. I kept walking and she was there. She was in the river. She kept pointing toward the tree so I kept walking. As I walked further i saw my mom and Little sister, completely slaughtered. I kept walking. After awhile I looked down. There was a grave. My grave. And it said "welcome Home"* so I kept walking. After a while I got to the cherry tree. Usually. I get to the cherry tree and I see you. So I start running toward you. But when I do that, my girlfriend loose her footing. And she's just hanging there. That's my breaking point. So I drop to my knees. I feel someone touch my back. Then I feel a blade against my throat. I hear "welcome home. Welcome to misery" then it slits my throat and it's all over.

What a nightmare? found myself in the

What a nightmare? found myself in the holocoust camp in Germany, tortured and beaten.. it was so long and so clear.. I was in a misery.. tell me what does this dream mean..?

Ive had this dream at least 4

Ive had this dream at least 4 times each time with the same or different dog that I own. I see my dog in every dream and hurt it in same way physically and feel that I have caused too much damage and suffering. So I try to put it out of its misery by finishing it off but no matter how many times I hit or try to kill the dog I just inflict more pain until I wake up.

I was on a bus, and passing

I was on a bus, and passing by I saw one car accident, then we pass through. Then I see my ex best friend's truck, I knew it was his because we got yellow paint on the back of it and it was a red f-150. After that some kind of delivery truck is right ahead of us and somehow the front end of his truck collapses and the truck flips. The man gets out of the truck, but trips and gashes his throat open on a curb. Meanwhile one of my friends from the bus just video tapes him gushing blood and dying. No one called and ambulance, everyone just watched him die miserably.