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I had a fucking wack dream where

I had a fucking wack dream where i murdered the joker and tried to become the new joker and there was a police chase through a series of tunnels but then i escaped and started driving away but like 200 miles later or something, i was trying to get to the border, i crashed into an oil -- distillery? i dont know what they're called. And the owners were like you need to pay us a million dollars or give us your insurance shit and i was like oh no im a wanted criminal, there is literally-- im on the national news and the only reason they dont know me is because this is a hick town, and there was a fair in town and my partner in crime idk who they were just suggested something like "if you win it all from fair prizes you dont need to produce a license to get a job :)" and so we started trying to win money, first at an eating contest, but we passed an ad for a five mile run where the top time was 10 minutes for five miles and i was like "oh no they had a speedster who's holding back, or some kind of super soldier-- if they know who i am--" then i woke up

In my dream they invented a synthetic

In my dream they invented a synthetic substitute for adrenochrome and we no longer NEEDED to harvest pineal glands in order to survive but many people found they simply LIKED harvesting fresh glands and kept doing it.

I was the head of an ancient

I was the head of an ancient order of tantric monks. Our order had perfected extremely advanced sexual techniques that allowed us to transcend physical limitations of time and space. Many of these techniques utilized semenancy - and as a result most of the monks were constantly experimenting with supplements to increase the volume of the semen they were capable of ejaculating. Somehow these supplements were genetically modified by Elon Musk in such as way as to increase seminal volume several thousand times beyond the maximum sought by semenancy practitioners. As a result many monks were rocketed into earth orbit by the force of their own ejaculations. My dream ended just as I was about to interpret a particularly fascinating semen splatter pattern on the face of one of our young temple prostitutes. It was very frustrating as it seemed like the meaning of everything was about to be revealed just before I woke up.

I dreamed I was in house with

I dreamed I was in house with really big rooms and outdoor space. In another room was an individual that lives in another town that I knew. In waking life I discovered he was abusing children and brought it to the attention of authorities. He had a website about it and I passed it along. I havent spoken to him in years. In my dream there was a lot of people around and he was in another room. There were a group of guys in the room and one was having a discussion with him. It seemed like a difference of opinion and the man he was talking to turned into a dog, a border collie, right after the transformation he killed the dog. I was in another room but saw this as did others. People not wanting to draw his attention were making movements to leave. He saw this and started to walk towards everyone like nothing happened. As he walked towards people he was walking away from a puppy and a kitten. As the group, myself included, walked away from him he was walking with us talking and sounding off. We were on our way out and his discussion was weird we got outside and got into our vehicles and left leaving him behind

Ghislaine Maxwell was playing poker with Donald

Ghislaine Maxwell was playing poker with Donald Trump and Satan when their pizza delivery arrived but the order was wrong it was anchovies instead of mushrooms and Satan hates anchovies so it was very bad

Anyway I break out in a cold

Anyway I break out in a cold sweat and ask to borrow his/her notes and start cramming as fast as I can. I realize that the final covers the whole semester and is worth about 80% of the class. I also realize I must pass this class in order to get to remain in school…then I awaken

Generally I am on some kind of

Generally I am on some kind of tram or bus. I am traveling along with some textbooks and notebooks. Usually I have a backpack but sometimes I am just carrying the books in my arms. Anyway, eventually someone I know gets on the bus. It is finals or midterms week and I have no doubt been up most of the night. The person asks if I am ready for the test in (and then he/she names a subject). I freak out and say I am not in that class! I then realized I either had never been aware I had that class or I hadn’t been there since the 1st week and forgot to return or forgot to drop the class. Anyway I break out in a cold sweat and ask to borrow his/her notes and start cramming as fast as I can. I realize that the final covers the whole semester and is worth about 80% of the class. I also realize I must pass this class in order to get to remain in school…then I awaken

I went to a bar with two

I went to a bar with two romantically interested men. One had dips and the other told him to hurry up or he'd take his shot. We sat down at the bar and ordered drinks. They had cocktails and I had a beer. Next thing I wake up on the floor with someone i don't know spooning me. When I wiggle away he comes back and as I get up to put him in his place he leaves the bar with his friend. As I follow them out I feel insulted and violated, telling him off. Just before he reaches the exits I try to literally kick his behind but a duvet around my lower body restricts my reach and I miss short. I turn around and walk back too realize the men are gone and I ask the bartender how long I've been sleeping. 2 hours he says

On the ground wrestling with an android

On the ground wrestling with an android inside an underground cave for possession of an important object. Water quickly begins to fill the cave and I realize I have to let go in order to escape drowning. As I let go of the object I announce "ok, you win" pausing for a moment before heading for the exit. The exit is very narrow mud tunnel that by now is under water. Afraid I am unable to hold my breath long enough I resign myself to drowning