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Having a picnic outside on a hill

Having a picnic outside on a hill with green grass with perfect weather with my girlfriend and seeing I have child

Driving through building yards with one of

Driving through building yards with one of my grandaughters in the car, ended up being in town j livd in 23 yrs ago then I my old place of work. Inside were lots of young builders in work clothes there was music playing, one of the builder's kept raking me up to dance. Then I went through corridor and came out in town I live now. My ex son-in-law was there waiting for a ham he'd won in a raffle. Then I went outside to picnic area and was going to look for my car when a big female security guard appeared carrying a big bottle half filled with urine and demanded a sample from everyone before they could leave. I do not remember giving a sample or leaving.

I dream that i go somwhere with

I dream that i go somwhere with my friends for picnic suddenly they all disapear and i left alone at that place and suddenly one handsom man appear behind me and he offer me his help and i was alone so i agreed and after some time one boy misbehaved with me so that man get angry he show his true face i was shocked to see his true face that man was vampire i was diversted so i try to run away from him he run after me i was running at dark alley and chanting mantras like ya devi sarvabhutesu suddenly that man grabed me and he told he was not going to hurt me he will protect me becouse he loves me and he kiss me and hug me

I dream that i go somwhere with

I dream that i go somwhere with my friends for picnic suddenly they all disapear and i left alone at that place and suddenly one handsom man appear behind me and he offer me his help and i was alone so i agreed and after some time one boy misbehaved with me so that man get angry he show his true face i was shocked to see his true face that man was vampire i was diversted so i try to run away from him he run after me i was running at dark alley suddenly that man grabed me and he told he was not going to hurt me he will protect me becouse he loves me and he kiss me and hug me

I was at my campground with my

I was at my campground with my family and friends when all of a sudden a male zombie shows up and start chasing us around the campground. Eventually my family, friends, and myself hide under a picnic table and I suddenly realize that I am dreaming. I try to make myself wake up, but I can't, so I come out from under the picnic table, walk up to the zombie, and say "Hi. I'm Katrina." to him while he is standing there growling and roaring at me. He stops yelling and responds with "Hi. I'm Bob." We then all hang out and have fun in the campground.

I was at a huge school picnic

I was at a huge school picnic to pick next years freshman class president i am currently a freshman all the other freshman were there too along with the eighth graders who were running for class president me and my best friend were on the swing set each swing was occupied she was telling me how kaleob the guy i like is re-dating his ex i pretended i knew this because the way she said it implied that i should have already known but i was hurt there was a tv propped high in a tree in everyone\'s view on the tv they were playing a slide show of the people running for class president and there escorts kaleob was escorting mia the most popular girl in eighth grade there picture came up and they looked so happy and it hurt even more kaleob then walked over standing a good distance from the swing set but he was in front of my swing i turned around so i was sitting on the swing facing away from him the swing had latches so you secure yourself in i only latched one side and began swinging my friend was facing forward the opposite direction of me i was swinging very high and i started telling my friend how i hated mia she responded by saying she wouldn\'t hate her just because she was dating kaleob i was also hurt because kaleob and i are good friends and didn\'t tell me was dating mia i swung even higher too high as i came back down i screamed a bit as i was swinging back again i fell out i rolled and hit kaleobs legs i apologized and laughed awkwardly he barely acknowledged me just looked back at me and half heartedly smiled i shouted to my friend that if i had secured myself in on both sides that would have never happened