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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

I'm in one of the rooms at

I'm in one of the rooms at the art building, and its a sort of circle of people, and a talk of religion. I wear a purple burqa (like Afghanistan) with only my eyes showing, everything else covered. and the older man is tell me to walk around in the middle of the circle and look into the eyes of everyone. And for them to look back at me. Kim is one of the people sitting down. I do so, and the man takes pictures of me. the veil slips a little and parts of my face show at times, like my nose and lips, but I lift it back up.

Im ın a kıtchen wıth my husbands

Im ın a kıtchen wıth my husbands sıster,her daughter at the sınk, αη∂ a 12 yr old kıd.I'm. Of to go αη∂ pray,when my sıster ınlaw tell the lıttle gırl to ask me ıf ı could teach her how to pray.I make my way down a passage that changes from a home to a huge hall where muslım students are learnıng about they relıgıon,the prayer mats are set up n as ı kneel down to pray 2 woman r ın my way,ı get angry coz ı cudnt go dwn on my knees αη∂ 1 of the woman sıts ther starıng at me. I wake up angry only to pass my husbands mother at a desk,she seems to be the prıncıpal here.As ı try explaın to her my hubby passes me wıth a whıte relıgıous attıre n a scull cap back from the mosque,so ı dnt explaın to her αη∂ ı run behınd hım only to walk agaın down the passage whıch leads ınto a room were we lıve αη∂ as ı explaın.then ı say to hım bt why ıs yuor mom not prayıng αη∂ he says she has her perıods mondays αη∂ thursdays,,αη∂ then ther ıs a young man watchıng crıcket on a huge flatron tv whıch seemed strange for we dont watch tv or movıes αη∂ ı wake up after thıs