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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

I pulled up to a super market

I pulled up to a super market and got out of my car and noticed people screaming pointing up. I looked up and saw a horse shoe shaped air craft the size of a huge city. On top of the craft were huge sky scrapers and statues. I heard explosions go off and saw people running. I hurried to get home to my children when I saw 4 men exit a small craft and they were 7ft tall no less dressed in all white garments. They were black men. They took me and explained to me what was happening and why. They said i had to go with them to survive and they showed me glimpses of their home and told me they were here to destroy the earth and a certain group in it.

Was on high tower with other people.

Was on high tower with other people. Tower in large body of water. Not sure why I was there. Wondering if the tower collapsed I could survive by swimming.

I saw god in front of me

I saw god in front of me there were a couple of people behind me ,god threw big waves of water at us I survived I believe a few survive also I believe the world was ending

I was in a fun house with

I was in a fun house with a famous clown who appeared on Britain's got talent. I was with my best friend and was messing around with the clown. He disappeared and so did my best friend. I climbed up some stairs and found two of my other friends on the roof with a massive inflatable slide leading of it to the ground (at least 300ft drop). I remembered doing this slide when younger loads of times but it seemed steeper now. One of my friends was terrified but my other was cool with it. I said I would go first to show that nothing was wrong. The first drop on the slide was really steep but I wanted to go fast so pushed of really hard. I went soaring though the sky and missed the slide and fell to the ground. I landed on the grass but survived.

I dreamt I was involved in a

I dreamt I was involved in a car accident but I survived with two other people in the car I was driving.