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In the house a ghost vanished in

In the house a ghost vanished in a flash of light into the fireplace and went to hell twice. My dog tried to ruin the ghost's shoes and gown.

After a funeral, one of my Suns

After a funeral, one of my Suns got possessed by eithernan angry spirit of a dead realitive or an agressived demon. It got worse over time. It got so bad that the entity possessing my aunt changed her appearance and killed myy brother:s cat henn ate said cat. I got so scared that I had to get the help of the haliwell sisters (from Charmed) to banish the entity possessing my aunt.

Garrett wanted to ask Miss Tairee about

Garrett wanted to ask Miss Tairee about something, but when he turned away for a moment, she turned into the Hag and began crawling towards him over the desk. He tried to draw his dagger, but then two burly Mechanists approached him from behind. One of them grabbed Garrett in an iron grip that robbed him of all strength, while the other systematically took away all his equipment and put it into a bag, all the while laughing and sneering at the thief. The moment Garrett was released, he felt that he could move again, and ran out of the library. In the street, the glow of a Keeper Door Glyph caught his eye, and with relief he opened the passage and sneaked in. He came into a room full of Keepers, all of which looked upon him with disapproval, and First Keeper Orland angrily scolded Garrett for interfering in the initation ceremony. Today the Keeper order was taking in a new member — it was Cole, who in the black initiate garb looked oddly like a scared rabbit. Orland continued to explain that Cole would be a major asset for the order. Finally, he said, the cryptic ancient prophecies would be made clear, because Cole can use his mind-reading skills to read the writers' thoughts. Garrett scoffed at the idea and tried to ask what about the writers who were already dead, but everyone ignored him and left, and now he was alone in the dining room. Alone? No, that girl, Shiara, was sitting at the other end of the table, playing with her cat. And behind her, one of the Hag's animated statues was approaching. It was going to splatter the kitten over the walls and smash in the girl's skull. He tried to warn her, to save her, but his body felt like lead and he could only whisper...

I was on something like a dock.

I was on something like a dock. A large squid was laying there and I knew that was the true form of the man that I loved. He was normally human but changed when he touched the water. He kissed me in his squid for somehow and rubbed his 'nose' somehow with mine. That was when we said we loved each other.I could hear the people banging on the other side of the door but that didn't matter. The scene changed and he was in danger because he had to go home. He could only accomplish that through the water. So I tried to jump from the bridge along with some other man to break the glass that was placed on top of it. Only it wasn't glass but a fence. We tried braking it but nothing happened it only bent. So we tried from another angle. We finally found a way to get into the water. My beloved jumped but the water somehow vanished when he touched it. I don't know where he went. The scene changed again but I think this time I traveled back in time to see how my beloved had me his first love. I think it was me but I could be wrong. Then I woke up.

I had a dream where I was

I had a dream where I was at a restaurant with my parents, and there was extremely loud music that seemed to have bothered everybody. Aside from that, I had looked outside and noticed a group of small schoolchildren, not toddlers, but, big enough to understand the difference between right and wrong. I saw that they were lighting trees on fire, and I had immediately rushed to put them out. I then looked over, and saw a smaller group of kids go with one tall boy that held a gas canister. The children ran away screaming, and I ran over to examine the scene. I couldn't see a fire, but, I saw a traffic cone there, surrounded by police tape. I lifted the cone up, and underneath, was a cup of water. I saw the tall figure, and quickly became annoyed by him. I tried to splash him with my bucket of water, but, then I realized that it was gasoline. I also shouted how if he messes up in any form, he would be set ablaze. I saw that he had a smart fire already growing on his blue shirt, and he tried to remove it. I turned away from it and heard an agonizing scream. Which then afterwards, I received a text message that said he would need healing because, "his skin was melted off." Eventually, I remember being in a cramped hotel room, trying to escape something that was knocking at my door. I sluggishly ran towards a few doors, closing them behind me, and hiding inside of a closed closet.

There was earth breaking all around me

There was earth breaking all around me as I was running. Looking to save my family there was lava spewing up from the ground. There were balls of fire raining down as far as I could see. Devestation and smoke were everywhere. As I ran I saw shelter. It had a giant entrance with large white pillars, and upon entering I saw a simple wooden desk. The desk was unattended and held one small pencil and a large book. As I approached the book, I felt it was of great importance to my saving. I stepped in front of it and a figure dressed in white appeared. He said to me in a language I did not know, "recite le Vatican". I felt lost and confused, not knowing what to say, yet as though he read the confusion of my mind, he vanished from my path, permitting me to pass. As I walked past the pillars and into the large building I had to walk down a flight of cement stairs. At the bottom I had to enter into a stall, almost like a private stall, but with nothing in it. When I entered I felt a deep sense of doom come over me. I was afraid, and sensed danger. As I stood entering the stall I saw what appeared to be bile running under the stall next to me. Without hearing, my mind heard that an angel in grey had pierced the side of another, and that was their fluids gushing out. I turned to leave and as exiting the stall there was a long mirror to pass. I saw myself in the mirror all I saw was an angel dressed in black behind me, There were flying black spirits above my head, swooping toward me and I was awakened out of my dream.

At a grocery store and someone I

At a grocery store and someone I know walks past, it then changes to me being at a psychic apartment, but it was considered my apartment. then the phone rings and on the other line is the boy who had passed me in th grocery store. he says "hey, I'm high off my ass, and you're the hottest bitch ever!" I start freaking up and he hangs up before I can say anything. I tell my father who appears as a bird with his human head, who says negative things about the guy in spanish