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There was a mad scientist who experimented

There was a mad scientist who experimented on the pool where we train swimming without us even knowing he poured a pink like chemical into the water and it vanish magically in the pool. When it is now time for us to swim we jump off to the water and we all one by one accidentally drank water from it . The followings day in school we discovered our powers I can hear different sounds from far places , control water and lightning..

I have had two dreams that I

I have had two dreams that I was pregnant with a sea turtle. In the first dream I had just found out. I had become pregnant by doing some experiment with a boyfriend. In the second dream, I was having a sonogram and we could see the turtle moving around. In this dream, my husband was with me. Right when the doctor was about to start the sonogram, I remembered that I had a tampon sort of device in me that needed to be removed. It wasn't actually for my period. It was a device that helped me have orgasms. So I told the doctor that I had to use the restroom and went and removed the device. Then went back in and had the sonogram. When I left the doctor's office, I saw my reflection in the mirror and I looked about 5 months pregnant. I was wondering how I was going to explain to people that I was pregnant with a sea turtle. I briefly thought about aborting the turtle but didn't think it would be the right thing to do.

I had a dream that I experimented

I had a dream that I experimented with the same sex in a bathtub using a dildoe, and my whole family walked in and accused me of being a lesbian.

My dream is to become a G.P

My dream is to become a G.P (doctor), and help pepole in need. I told my parents about it and they are very happy to know about my aim in life, but they reminded me that I will have to go through many stages of learning and experimenting the human body and may see very unpleasant things. But I know if I achieve that successfully, I will have a brighter future. To fulfil my dream, I know I will have to work extremely hard. I need to achieve good marks in English, Maths and most importantly, Science. These three subjects are important to become a doctor but I need to focus mostly on science since science is the main criteria for a GP and the reason why English is needed is because I need to also consult my patients to make them understand what problems they have and to have a positive attitude. Following is a list of things I need to have to become a doctor:•A strong desire to become a medical doctor.•Be prepared to do formal studies of 6 years or longer.•Must have Love and respect for human beings (patients and their relatives).•Have respect for life.•A keen interest in the structure and functioning of the human body.•The ability to work under pressure and within time constraints.•The ability to work for long hours continuously.If my dream of a doctor doesn’t work out, I have two backup plans, and they are either being a lawyer or a teacher.By Probha

It started in the school classroom. Spencer,

It started in the school classroom. Spencer, Kemp, Kala, Swaneet, Rebecca G, and I were there. Spencer and Kemp left. Swaneet said that Hershey chocolate was the best. Kala left without explanation. Rebecca G and I followed, Swaneet stayed behind. Once out the door we were in Walmart. I followed Kala straight back to the place where all the candy was. Rebecca followed silently behind me. Kala reached into what appeared to be an empty spot on the shelf and pulled a bag of tiger striped Hershey kisses off of the shelf and then he walked through the door to the back area. I grabbed a bag as well, they were caramel filled chocolate kisses wrapped in tiger striped wrapping. I followed Kala through the doors and appeared in a yellow room that was set up like a science experiment. Rebecca and I tried to make it work, but it wouldn’t work right, so we left through the other door (the door we came in disappeared). We were in an old Victoria style house, there was a party going on. I was wearing a white summer dress and was very cold. There was a lot of stuff happening. I don’t know where Rebecca went. I found Kala, the chocolate we both had had mysteriously disappeared. We talked for a minute and he gave me his suit jacket because I was cold. Other stuff happened. Kala went to leave, his dad was there to pick him up. He took back his jacket, gave me a hug, and before he pulled away he kissed me on the cheek. I ran back to the yellow room with the science experiment. Rebecca, and Emily G were there. Rebecca commented about how I looked flushed. I looked in the mirror and honestly I looked gorgeous, the blushing suited me. then we started doing the science experiment, and we were supposed to burn the butterflies, but I couldn’t, because of the kiss.