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I show up at my job. Both

I show up at my job. Both my wrists are cut and bleeding. I make my way to the manager’s office and there I see Joe and Dianne. As I reveal my bleeding wrists I tell them, "Thank you for making it so clear to me that this is what life is like and will always be like. Thank you for making it so clear that I can't keep living my life like this." As my sobs and tears increase both Joe and Dianne just stood there and did nothing. Then in burst the meat manager Sammy and Tony who also works in Meat. Both of them confronted Joe and Dianne. Sammy punched Joe twice on the face yelling at him and asking him why the hell he hasn’t called the ambulance or even tried to help me his ‘adopted daughter,’ and Tony was yelling and cursing at Dianne asking her the same thing apart from the adopted daughter part. While they were doing this before I could collapse from the loss of blood; the produce manager and closest friend that I have at Safeway came in a lifted me into his arms. As I looked up at him my eyes growing heavy, I knew that anyone who looked into my eyes could see that they were dead, that I had already giving up on life. As I looked up towards his face I was shocked for there I saw tears in his eyes that were threatening to fall. His face filled with concern, worry, heartbreak, and anger. He carried me to his car and drove me to the Hospital. Before arriving at the hospital I said to Chris in a weak whisper, "Please forgive me Chris. I know that I told you that I would try but I just can’t take this anymore. I know that you must hate me and are upset that this is what I have chosen but please know and understand that I am finally at peace and finally free." As we pull up to the hospital he turns his head in my direction and says in a soothing and worried voice, "Don’t you dare talk that way Danielle. Don't you dare give up. Don’t you know how many people will be crushed to have lost you? I know that I will be grieving beyond belief. You matter Danielle and are love by so many people. Don’t throw that away because Safeway is treating you like shit, but that doesn’t mean that you need to allow yourself to give up on your life and all that you will be missing out on. Please don’t," He then comes over to the passenger side door lifts me into his arms and says with such sincerity that I have never heard him use, “Don’t give up on life. You will be greatly missed by so many, and you will undoubtedly will be greatly missed by me.” He then kisses me gently on the forehead and then runs in as fast as he can while carrying me. As we enter he calls for help and we are surrounded but before I pass out and hope I am finally dead and at peace, I see his haunting tear streaked face drilled and captured in my mind and the last thing I see. The crushed, worried, concerned, grieving, angry, and a hint of love, all emotions written on Chris’s face as my eyes close and I feel death coming most of me wanting it to come now, but the image of Chris making a small part of me hoping for life to give me a second chance. That is when I wake up from this dream/ nightmare.

On Tue i had a dream....... you

On Tue i had a dream....... you told me to watch out cuz there was a snake in the apt....... later i seen the snake in one of the bedroom's i tried to hit it with something but it was running away. So i hurried and grabbed it with my hands and it turned at looked at me and hissed and then my hands started burning..... i dropped it and looked at my hand and it was red and starting to blister i then looked at the snake and it looked like it was getting the shape of a humans face a gave me that know it all smile...... i then got some plastic and tried catching it and the plastic melted so i kept doing it over and over and over covering it with plastic all that time it was trying to slither away and i hot a more dense plastic the ones you can't see through and it was taking longer for that to melt and the snakes head turned and looked at me and got the form of a humans face and started laughing at me..... the whole time i was struggling to get the snake the wind was blowing with rain and i could see the red curtains almost flying with the wind.... when the snake make its transformation and began laughing i grabbed it and through it out the window as it fell it turned into a little person...... it was very wet out the ground was saturated with water and when i turned to my left there was a large puddle of water and in that water i seen gold fish and black fish with a hint of white these fish were flat..... they were swimming and glistening in the sun.... as the rain began to settle and just sprinkle the fish started jumping out and in the water........ and i woke up just after Carla asked me "do you like my shoes"

I was in an abandoned building with

I was in an abandoned building with Mohammed Alsharif and this couple (whom I don't actually know but I seemed to know in the dream). The four of us were going to go somewhere and I ended up outside in the car (a yellow convertible) with the couple. The guy was driving and he started to drive off without Mohammed. I protested and the guy said something to the effect of 'screw him' and then said, 'He shouldn't lag behind.' I got highly offended and demanded we go back. The guy refused; I argued; he refused. So, I told him to let me out. He woudn't. So, we argued about that until I told him this was kidnapping and got my phone out to call the police. I was deposited on a dark, rain-slicked skid row street. It was very dark and I started to walk back to the apartment to find Mohammed. I got to the upstairs doorway - a kind of doorway without a door to a landing with cracked and abused plaster, the cement floors covered in dust and debris - and he was there. "I'm so sorry, I said. "No problem," he shrugged in classic Mohammed fashion. "No, it's terrible. They were going to leave without you." "It's okay." Again, quintessential Mohammed casual shrug. "They're assholes. I'm so sorry. What should we do now?" I asked, thinking we would make alternate plans for the night out. He smiled in a cute, coy way and blushed as he shrugged his shoulders. I got the hint and smiled and blushed and looked down at my shoes. As I looked back up, he put his arms around my neck - very gently, very shyly - and leaned over to kiss me. It was gentle at first, but as I became more receptive, he got bolder. At one point, I gave a little whimper while he was kissing me and lips still on mine, he smiled and repeated my whimper mockingly. In this torrent of polite and demure passion, the boldest I could force myself to be was to press a hand to his chest. His hands never ventured beyond the back of my neck.

I dreamt about a couple people, possible

I dreamt about a couple people, possible at a bar don't recognize them people were dancing, I ran out somewhere with them some people.. or somehow ended up outside and I noticed there were upside down crosses.. a couple of them made of stone. These people might've been doing a ritual or I don't know but I was praying in my dream to God.. I was worried, I felt like I was going to go to Hell.. there was this unsettling feeling I've felt in my dreams before.. I recall seeing a sign sayin it was a Lutheran church with crosses. Somehow I jumped to look at the neighbors. I seen the sign in the grass it said Lutheran and with the crosses upside. In my dream I recall running back to where ever, I don't know where.. in a bathroom maybe.. looked at a mirror and my forehead was marked the others weren't.. I recall collapsing being afraid and did a little prayer and I felt relieved. Looked at the mirror and I think the mark on my forehead was fading. Don't remember if the marks were dots or upside crosses.. Then in my dream I was in some house. Apparently I was playing a game with friends (who I don't know/recognized) they gave me a hint, but they were whispering.. it was a backstreet boys song or nsynch. Bye bye bye I think. a weird music game and Idk, I ran through the game course with song in mind. Somehow it turned into my moms backyard house. I lifted a container lid closed but I remember there was somethin glowing then the same thing to the trash lid. There was something in it. Prob human.... and it was a part of the game.. Then I woke up fell back asleep I dreamt about running to someone, or 3 people and told them I had a bad dream. Someone mentioned something about them goin to hell but I didn't tell them the dream... and there was this door. i felt like it was where one's individual hell was or and this girl that I was talking to mentioned something if she died, she wanted her misery to end that she wanted when she died something particular to happen so that her hell wouldn't be as bad? I'm not sure.. This is as much as I can remember I also recall my dream ending of preparing food. I was cutting some kind of meat so it could cook faster.. then I woke up..

Give him little hints here an there.EXAMPLE:

Give him little hints here an there.EXAMPLE: Sit next to him while he whtaced T.V. and say I was watching this one show called Cheaters yesterday, and this guy got caught cheating on his Girlfriend and then his entire family shunned him How could someone actually cheat on their mate, that is horrible, don\'t you think, Bro? He\'ll end up ratting himself out.

Give him little hints here an there.EXAMPLE:

Give him little hints here an there.EXAMPLE: Sit next to him while he whtaced T.V. and say I was watching this one show called Cheaters yesterday, and this guy got caught cheating on his Girlfriend and then his entire family shunned him How could someone actually cheat on their mate, that is horrible, don't you think, Bro? He'll end up ratting himself out.

Both are about my boyfriend.The first one

Both are about my boyfriend.The first one involves him being gay with one of the guys he's friends with.The second one involves him cheating on me with a girl I've never seen before.Are these signs he's up to something and is my subconsciousness trying to warn me or is it all meaningless?Whenever i wake up i feel like i missing something that maybe he's subtly hinting or just not telling me.I've considered breaking up with him.Is he the embodiment of bad karma cause he's the first guy I've had Dreams like this about.