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I was in hallway with my mother

I was in hallway with my mother and in the end of the hallway there was a room. In that room there was a person who had a black aura around them and they looked sad and looked like a cursed spirit and then I gave a object to that cursed person and it became normal again. And then again in the room there was this young boy who had a dark aura around him and he looked like a cursed spirit . He looked very sad and angry and again I gave him a object and he became like a normal kid.

I dreamt about somebody trying to give


I met a man, introduced to me

I met a man, introduced to me by a friend last night. The kind of guy im instantly attracted too. Strong stature, good looking, in command of himself, confident. The remainder details are unimportant because they are reflective of why i am drawn to him and this kind of guy. The dream, after a night out drinking. The first in a very long time. We were in a car together, he was driving. I sensed a snake under his seat almost like under the stuffing he was sitting on, like there was a damaged hole in the seat directly under him. He asked me to help him get rid of the snake while he continued to to drive but as i lifted the cushioning from between his legs it revealed a nest of baby snakes. I informed him and he asked me to get rid of them. So i poked them gently with a stick and one by one they all slithered off and disappeared. It was left that the immediate danger was over however the car would need to be cleaned to rid us completly of the snakes and to be safe. My interpretation of the dream. He has multiple sexual issues that need to be addressed gently and guided out of his life but he needs help with it. He wants to continue on his lifes journey without change or disruption but is wise enough to ask for assistance and completly trusts me to release those issues. There is heavy symbolism here. I did not look at any media or connection with snakes in a couple of days, possibly a week or more. And no nest of babys So nothing in my direct memory. It is clearly connected with this guy and his need and the dream seems more focused on his need to go on his personal journey without hinderance and hes asked me to assist him to do that. To what extent i travel with him isnt clear.

My grandpa just passed away and 7

My grandpa just passed away and 7 th day after funeral I saw he told me and my mom im going on a trip and gave his ipad and its home screen picture was my and my mom picture.and he was packing his clothes after that I was laying on my bed and he came other side and was talking with unknown person (female)and that person asked is (our pets) this pets are your?and what about them ?he said I gave them to my daughter.then suddenly dog came running and he went to catch them but he fall because of my legs.that was the dream

I had a dream about going out

I had a dream about going out with my cousins for the day. It seem to be just me and my family then after we went out somewhere we came back with one person that we knew I can’t remember exactly who it was. While out, I believe we got chased, or had an altercation with another person in my dream or like they just didn’t like me or something. But when we got back to my cousins house, there were more people. I remember for sure that my ex Lekenia was there and before I woke up, I can remember catching myself looking at her and seeing a new scar on her back or maybe I don’t remember ever seeing that scar on her back. It seemed to me that I was flirting with the other girl that we knew in the dream and she was watching, but she never said anything. We were going out and before we left, I went and brush my teeth and did whatever and then woke up.

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat with a Dream Interpreter in minutes, 24/7 Talk to doctors, lawyers, vets, tech support & mechanics 12,000+ Experts from Appraisals to Zoology Pearl Wilson Pearl Wilson, Dream Interpreter's Assistant Welcome! How can I help with your dream interpretation question? You Hi. I dreamt I was in a kitchen and then this family (it felt like I knew them but also like I didn't) were leaving the house and I asked them to buy me a food I'll pay them back. When they came back the mother brought Burger King for me, she put the bag on the kitchen counter and said here's my food and that I don't need to give her money. I thanked her and she left. I don't remember if I ate the burger or not but I do remember opening it and seeing its contents, I also found another burger but didn't eat in case someone left it there for later. Fast forward I'm still in the kitchen but I'm with this dude I know in real life who I don't really like and I feel like he has feelings for me in real life and he always calls me his best friend. Anyways, I'm with him and his 2 friends in the kitchen. So his one friend is like do you like her, will you ask her out, etc probably thinking I can't hear them but I can. Then they left the kitchen and went outside to do something but I don't remember what, and I was left with the one friend. Once they left the kitchen I walked up to the other guy and we hugged in a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of way (I don't know this person in real life or in the dream but it felt like I knew him). Anyways he had his arms around my waist our bodies were touching and we were smiling, laughing and acting all lovey dovey like a cute happy couple; I won't lie real life me was actually happy, blushing and curious about the guy. We spke about how funny it was the other guys didn't know we were dating and how he thinks he has a chance with me, etc. Then we heard the other guys coming back and we quickly broke apart and then I woke up from my dream. I'm really curious about the meaning of my dream and why I'm so interested and curious about the guy I was getting cozy with and why my heart seems to beat faster as I think of him.

This dream was more vivid than yesterday's

This dream was more vivid than yesterday's dream. We were in like a desert plain, and there were a bunch of people I did not know; one of the people was Ash and he was the only person I knew. We all were trying to do this pair and talk thing. Me and Ash always got paired up together. Well we did that for a few rounds, and then on the last round each person had a fishing rod and we all put them against a fence well everyone turned around and did not look. One by one someone went to pick a fishing rod, and I was the last one to pick. The fishing rod was number 16 and it was Ashes fishing rod, and he said “how do we keep getting paired up together”. Well I ran and jumped in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, and we started kissing.

I saw my missing close friend in

I saw my missing close friend in a religious place. Our religion is different but I saw him in my place of worship. After I went to him and talked to him. After a while, when I held his hand and talked, I realized that he was the wrong person

I saw one of my missing closed

I saw one of my missing closed person in a religious place. Our religion is ifferent but I sw him in my religious place. After I go to him and talk to him. When I talk ith him by holding his hand little time later i realied he is a wrong person