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I was watching PornHub on Netflix and

I was watching PornHub on Netflix and being really nice for some reason, and my dad was downstairs trying to pay some sort of bill when some fruits in latex suits that were spys came down from the chimney and started screaming ay fundy dundy ay fundy dundy over and over again. I believe it was an apple, an orange, and a banana.

I woke up at 4:44am from a

I woke up at 4:44am from a super intense dream that we were under marshal law and the military was coming in to lock down the roads to keep us in place. My daughters and I were camping in my parents RV in at a ‘glamping’ waterfront resort near my house. My newish boyfriend (of 9 months) arrived just as it was starting when we didn’t know what was happening yet and secured us in the locked RV safely. I went out to get my parents rifle (which they don’t have in real life) from a safe while my boyfriend was helping the girls hide, just as a stranger manifested inside the RV and I drew the gun to shoot an empty fire arm. I woke up so panicked it felt real and looked up that other people have been having marshal law dreams

I have had-still having this dream every

I have had-still having this dream every single night for about 7-8 months now and it starts as a purge type apocolyptic type scenery and I repeat the what I call "level" until I clear it without any fatalities. So the first few nights I would get to a certain point in the dream and then it all goes black and thats the end of the dream for the night, so I said hm I wonder why? Then during my dreams I started saying to myself and my crew of purgers "don't go odown this way, remember what happened last time they all busted out the door and ambushed us". So we end up not going there, then the dream advances onto the next level per say. This scenery was only for the first 4/5 months then it changes to a field trip going to north carolina where I see a big glass building with a deep black swimming pool that is said to be the darkest deepest body of water to the center of the earth with a dining table across the top, now the same sort of thing happens again I go through to this certain checkpoint almost and then this girl across from me falls in the water and disappears and then the waiter turns evil and makes us all jump in the water and then its just blackness-end of the dream, over a few nights I realized something bad happens when the girl falls into the water so my next dream I tell everyone "grab her shes about to fall in" and then the story carries on nicely and the waiter doesn't turn evil

I dreamt that early in the morning

I dreamt that early in the morning before it was light took a basket of food to a work colleage for her father (her father is no longer alive I whenever met him) I didnt have to go far so I went in just my nightdress and no.shoes however I couldn't find my way home each time I thought I had found the way there was another dead end . My feet were cold and sore I grew very tired was also.embarrassed as the day went on and there were people.around at one point I ended up in some sort of builders yard and workmen could see me .so I decided to take side streets but I could myself further away from home and exausted

I was in the passenger seat of

I was in the passenger seat of a car with a random dude I’ve never seen before driving. He was had multiple personalities or he was bipolar or something, I don’t know, but he was driving super crazy and crashing into a bunch of things. I remember it was a new blue ford fusion, which is really weird that I remember that, but anyway. He would freak out and start yelling at me for who knows what and I remember being really scared and I was trying to keep the mood light by saying positive things and trying to make him laugh so he wouldn’t freak out again. I remember we drove over a bridge and it had some sort of gates on both ends of it and on the entrance the first gate was open but the second gate was closed and he didn’t notice until we drove full speed through it. I was really scared that he would go crazy after going through the gate and I had no idea what would happen. He threatened to drop me off and I was like “okay that’s fine,” because I wanted to get out of that car so bad and run away to the nearest public place so nothing bad would happen.

I crow flys over my head and

I crow flys over my head and drops a note in front of me with my name with a necklace and a invitation and when i put the neclice around my neck crows picked me up and took me to a house with the address from the letter and when i enter i walked up these stairs to a sorta observatory and saw this old women a black panther looking things i could make out what its looked like honstly i gave her the note i had and she said that this cat is mine and in way bailed on me and disappeared in smoke when i woke up i also was female and a kistune and after that for 8 days everything in th house had a awful grudge where i littraly felt like they wanted to kill me over and over again and it was like i was in hell with the suffering but the cat allways seem to be there like it know what was going on but also seem to say i have to let it play out like i needed to be done or something

Necrophilia - I dreamt that I had

Necrophilia - I dreamt that I had a group of friends in high school, that we killed a man and dragged his body (which was now a skeleton, save for the head which was still intact) behind a few gym mats to have sex with him. I didn't really know what was going on, but later on I was convinced to join anyways. Afterwards I was chased down and killed by the group after getting too creeped out and they do the same with my body, and through a sort of x-ray image, it's revealed that I was pregnant with twins. In the end, it was apparently just a demo of some sick horror game I was playing outside in the evening and I ran back home.

⁃ dance studio ⁃ dancing a song

⁃ dance studio ⁃ dancing a song that i had learned a long time ago ⁃ practiced it for a performance ⁃ cried because i sucked at it ⁃ then went to go perform it in front of this famous judge lady ⁃ we got a high rating and were invited to perform ⁃ i was going home from the audition space ⁃ had my parents’ car, didn’t know how to drive it ⁃ halfway thru i pulled over to call my mom ⁃ a policeman approached me, i told him that i was waiting to pick up my mom and that i was 16 (i don’t have my license though) ⁃ it was too hard to drive so i picked up a mountain bike that was broken on one side from the side of the road ⁃ there was construction and huge trucks everywhere ⁃ i managed to squeeze past and was going super fast ⁃ met another cyclist on the way and she asked me how i was going so fast. i talked to her for a little while too. ⁃ was looking at tiktok (but i had morphed into a nature reporter man out of no where) ⁃ fell into a ditch that was actually a panda home ⁃ one of the pandas could talk/communicate ⁃ was talking to the panda when the tribe went under attack by gorillas ⁃ don’t really remember this part but the gorillas were trying to take the baby pandas ⁃ they entrusted the baby pandas and one of the uncle pandas to me and told me to take good care ⁃ i brought them halfway home when i turned around and went back ⁃ didn’t have an interpreter anymore but there was a panda who could interpret with signs. i told them that if they ever were attacked again to send me a signal, and that i’d come back to rescue them. ⁃ the rest of the dream is pretty hazy. crazy dream. i remember somewhat getting home. hiking through the forest too. DREAM PT 2 (a lot more hazy) ⁃ continuation of the first dream ⁃ when i got home there were a bunch of people on my street ⁃ were all a part of an institution and i joined too ⁃ originally very fun and games ⁃ people were drawing lots to see who would sleep where and have access to what - was inside of my house ⁃ i remember our shoes being removed and being put on the balcony under a red fabric roof ⁃ there were more than 18 floors because i remember the lucky number for the lots being 18 ⁃ separated from preston who went into another group- was sort of my protector amd ended up with this other lady girl and another girl that i vaguely knew from my middle school (was in a grade below me) didn’t know the lady at all but conditioned to feel safe with her ⁃ the three of us slept in the same bed i remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing the two bodies morphing together. I didn't see the middle school girl at all after that ⁃ at night it became a lot more gruesome and over time it was bad (will explain further later) ⁃ in the mornings ⁃ had to wear white and red tracksuits to differentiate from each other (the groups) the tracksuits reminded me of prison tracksuits ⁃ couldn’t talk to people who weren’t in your group or you’d be taken away ⁃ couldn’t interact at all ⁃ had to complete tasks every day ⁃ i remember not being able to do the electrical task (used my body to connect the wires, almost died) the lady was annoyed with me because I couldn't do the task on my own ⁃ at night everyone was put in this individual chamber in their minds (different for everyone) and it was red and dark ⁃ there were ropes and weird scary shit in the room and the room would progressively get lighter and lighter as time went by ⁃ the goal was to avoid looking at this one light- it was oval and shaped like a keychain of sorts. if you looked at it you’d be removed from the people that you were with (aka killed) ⁃ cut to a theatre with red chairs and a big screen ⁃ i was watching (in 3rd person again) 3 people talk to each other in the theatre ⁃ then all of a sudden there were bubbles and a kiss and then i went into the head of one of the people (i think the bubbles were some sort of inhibitor) ⁃ had to avoid the specific light again but this time the setting was much different ⁃ instead red of a room with ropes, this person’s room had their mom lying down and they had to do their best to look away from the light that was near their mom (was always placed randomly) ⁃ that’s as far as i can remember

Tomes 3 doorways and one walks thru

Tomes 3 doorways and one walks thru one thresh upon the other i learn that im in a dream state boastfully filled with pride i walk though my door way beast with large ox or mammoth sized horns. A very acient keeper or a emblazed guide of sorts. 14 to 18 feet high. Charges the one whom does not know where they walk