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In my dream, I was walking when

In my dream, I was walking when I saw a big tarantula. I was not afraid of it and I only passed bi it without fear. Then I saw a long stair. It was a little old. As I was about climb the stairs, a little blue spider that was hanging on its web bit me in the leg. But I wasn't afraid when I got bitten and it didn't hurt in my dream. I also remember that I did made fun of being bitten in my dream. As I climb up the stairs, I saw my friends waiting for me. Then I told them that I was bit by a spider and I joked that I will become the spiderman. Then I climbed happily into the stairs.

I'm in my childhood bedroom with my

I'm in my childhood bedroom with my Mom. I spot a daddy long spider. It grows into the size of a tarantula in primary colors. I go to kill it. It takes two tries. One of the legs has been beaten off. I ask my Mom to get rid of the dead spider. She takes a sheet of paper, sweeps it up and tosses it outside the window.

I see the tarantula in my dream

I see the tarantula in my dream and i'm scared to go near even look i'm scared but the tarantula every where i go still following i try to scape still following at me

I was in my bed when i

I was in my bed when i saw a bunch of crabs and smaller crabs thal look like tarantulas and then somebody killed them

I am in my kitchen and two

I am in my kitchen and two red legged tarantulas are playing above my kitchen cabinets