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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

I dreamt that I was in a

I dreamt that I was in a bedroom (I think it was vaguely familiar) and in one of two beds was a toddler aged child. He was anxious and sad, but was very bonded to me, talking and cuddling me. Then I was in a room with the toddler and his parents - the mother could see him but the father could not. I told the mother tgat this was her dead son, she said that she knew. The father did not believe it. The child and I later said good bye to each other after a prolonged hug.

An interesting dream I had last night

An interesting dream I had last night involved the sun turning black. I vaguely remember entering the scenario but remember the scene vividly. All I remember is the sun turning from yellow to black and the climate turning cold. Nobody new what to make of it. Most of the clouds were also much lower than usual. There were strange spider like creatures coming up from the ground. They had a reflective and slimy surface but appeared to be no threat. They were easy to destroy by stepping on them. However, I thought of how creatures could adapt to live in harmony with them. It was just physically impossible to adapt so quickly. Then it gets more strange. A girl entered the scene. We were under a bridge holding hands. She wasnt keen on showing any kind of affection in public. Then Michael Jackson comes along. I started showing him some of my dance moves. He laughed and invited us into his secret basement. Thats as much as I remember. Weird huh!?!?

I'm in a vague, busy building. I

I'm in a vague, busy building. I enter the elevator in a normal fashion. Something goes wrong, the elevator breaks out of the building. I fall inside the elevator. It bounces, and I crawl out.