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I was in a hotel with all

I was in a hotel with all my friends pushing me on and rushing me into a room with a wedding dress hanging in the corner. I did not know I was getting married until I saw the dress and my friends began telling me how late I was and that I won’t have time to do my hair or makeup like planned. “It’s okay though,” one friend said, “Andrew likes it better when you don’t wear makeup and get all dressed up.” So my friends threw the dress over my head, poofed my hair a bit and we began walking to a room downstairs. The room was like the one from the movie Bride Wars, with big doors and a long walkway to the altar. As the doors open I begin to walk in looking at all the people who have attended my wedding. I look up to the altar and see my exboyfriend standing there with a huge grin on his face. I freeze and turn to walk away. I push the doors open and suddenly I am outside in the middle of a forest. I am suddenly wearing jeans and a jacket. Andrew, the person I was told I was marrying, was standing outside the doors wearing jeans as well. He looked at me and said, “Max wouldn’t let me marry you.” We laughed for a while, and walked away into the forest.

We were leaving the mall. Andreia brings

We were leaving the mall. Andreia brings me outside of what looks like Rockland mall and shows me to her car. Andreia’s car was the only car in the parking lot. She gets inside the vehicle, as do i. suddenly she gets out of the vehicle and tells me “we gotta go to the bus stop” I’m like why we got a car, she said “we gotta go to the bus stop” I say ok I start walking she’s jogging. “Hurry we gotta go to the bus stop” Andreia tells me. I start walking thinking whatever every 2 second she goes forward and sais “we gotta get to the bus stop” I start following her, we hit the end of the parking lot and get to the side walk, there’s traffic there so I wait, she said “hurry we gotta get to the bus stop” and runs through traffic. At this point n time im exhausted and I physically can’t, while she son the other side she runs down a hill to the bus stop but on the way there she disappears. I’m alone by myself, I cross the street and hit the side walk. The second I get on the sidewalk people start appearing, so confused I continue down the direction Andreia disappeared at and then what looked like Omoss appeared from thin ait and said “we gotta get to the bus stop” and start running to the bus stop. Same thing happens were on the way there than Omoss says “hurry we missed the bus” than “we missed the bus, walked a few feet and said, oh wait, the bus is still coming HURRY!!!!!” than runs ahead of me. We get to the bus stop, everyone disappears. I put in my opus card, everyone reappears but this time Omoss is gone, Andreia is sitting in a seat on the bus that isn’t there on real busses (it was like the 4 seats squared in the back but at the front of the bus, as if it were backwards”) for some reason Andreia is ignoring me I can’t tell why, so I sit on the seat adjacent o her, than out of nowhere it looked like my old friend Adriano, starts looking at me crazed saying “100 grams of blue” but it’s strange, because his eyes were very blue, and burn looking around it with his massive pupils. He says “my eyes, 100 grams of blue” I was shocked but I said “ya know eyes that are blue are actually mutations” than he pinched my nipple, not hard just a light pinch. “100 grams of blue” he says I say “what” he proceeds to pinch my nipple. He says “100 grams of blue” I say yeah, he pinches my nipple. “100 grams of blue are in my eyes.” I didn’t say a word because it came apparent that every time I said something he’d pinch my nipple. We get to my stop. Andreia gets out completely ignoring me, gets off the bus and disappears. For some reason I didn’t go with her, I stayed and I don’t know my way around Montreal so for me to miss a stop is bad. But I didn’t care because the dream cut off as I was getting up to get off at my second stop. However what I do know is, we were headed home, I don’t know where I was but I knew how to get home and I was going home.

I was thesues and my dad was

I was thesues and my dad was king hyperion and the virgin oracle was jessica alba and obama played zues and the minotaur was andre the giant and my neighbor played the heraklion jailor and romney played all of the titans

There was Andrew, Kenny, Ricardo, and Vicky.

There was Andrew, Kenny, Ricardo, and Vicky. I gradually found out that my best friend Kenny had gone to see a Spongebob movie with Vicky, and it had lasted seven hours. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” I shouted at him. Vicky stood to the side looking guilty. Anxiety engulfed me; the realization that the only person true to me was Andrew made me flock to the younger boy in desperation. I started to slowly kiss his face, but petals formed where my lips intended on his skin. I exited the room; I glimpsed Kenny’s hurt face. I received a text that was elaborately decorated with newspaper cubes and strips, along with Kenny’s own dialog. He was hurting, and wanted forgiveness. “I was the paradox of a nun earlier, but you didn’t give me chance before you went over to Andrew and kissed his petals…”

I was with the girls from a

I was with the girls from a TV show called the Bad Girl's Club and we were all riding in a car then we drove up on this ladies car carrier and then she turned around and started throwing things and knocked off some sort of tag. Then it was just me and I was a Airport, but I was going to my old school Redan High and when I got to the entrance the girls were with me once again and I ran into my friend Ani and she hugged really tight and I saw my Ex- boyfriend and that's when he pulled me in to the corner and told me that he made me comfortable and then the principal saw us and called us over and told he and I to call our parents but my mom was out of town so, then the principal said call her and he talk out loud and say " Mom I got in trouble and I have detention" but I was just visiting the school. Then I was in a room that looked like my school gym, but also a airport and I saw my old friend Shynalee and my friend Deandre and we hanging out and then I got home and my sister was finishing up her packing for college and she had one of my shirts so I grabbed it and put it back in my room and I got the phone and I couldn't see the number they smashed and gooey and I put this stick on it and I could this numbers again so I called my mom's phone and I heard it ring in the other room so I got up I grabbed the phone out her blanket and picked it up.

Okay, the yankstirred and fix cars with

Okay, the yankstirred and fix cars with a guy, yasmin anticoncepcional andsank.I was just sent me back against his handsback pastillas anticonceptivas to andrea clamped.