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I was driving down road with my

I was driving down road with my dad. we heard a squealing dog and pulled over to see what was going on and this dog was trapped behind a fence with two bulls and one was very angry and hurting the dog. my dad jumped over the fence and threw dog over the fence but my dad got killed by the bull and we had a funeral in my grandmothers yard and i remember feeling confused in my dream.

In my yard A saw medium size

In my yard A saw medium size snake that rezembulls a python, it was tan with black triangles. I started to walk past it when it began chasing me, I was trying to run away. I was coming up to the car, and I fell behind it. The snake came up and I for some reason stuck my right fist out at it, and the snake bit my right fist. It sunk it's teeth in. but before it could bit me anylonger some boy from atop of the car yelled and stuck out his hand for me to grab, and pulled me up, he fell from pulling me to hard and landed on the ground where the snake was I yelled his name an picked him up. We began running from the snake, the snake was gaining on us and I was holding that boy in my arms but I think he was the same age as me. Then I was at the hospital and for some reason I knew the boy ether was okay. And I was getting checked in but my mind was fuzzy and my eyes hurt and my head hurt too, and I wanted to go to sleep.

I was out side talking to my

I was out side talking to my dead father and grandmother and grandfather about a meth pipes found in the bathroom. I put them in a box and was looking at their bulls when a black snake wrapped around my leg