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Last night I dreamt that I was

Last night I dreamt that I was in a building with several groups of people (almost as if the groups were going to have some sort of competition) at each station (opened room) there was a window or opening that allowed u to get into a large pool of water (I'm not sure how the building would not flood upon opening window, bc it was similar to an aquarium, like you are under ground somewhat and can see the animals swimming... Except there were no animals in my dream, just a clear, calm large pool/tank of water)... My group was getting ready and we had a human head (no body, just head) to use for the competition... The head looked exactly like a human head of a man (not sure who he was) except his head was almost robotic or like a computer of some sorts filled with all the knowledge we would need... Although this head looked just like a real human, when he opened his eyes they would looked like electrical green computer codes lighting up and uploading to the brain (which I could not see the brain just had a sense that's how it worked) someone came by and told us to get ready to start soon... I think 1 teammate walked outside and we were going to send someone to get him and we decided to also walk over to the middle of the building to a community closet charging station to put our "head" on a charger before we began to make sure it was fully charged... We felt confident that we were going to win... We left the head charging and saw our last teammate walk in and were talking with him and began walking back over to our group station and as we did we looked out into the pool of water and saw that someone from an opposing team dropping our "head" into the pool... 1 of our teammates ran outside and was about to dive in to get the head so maybe we could salvage it.. We were all upset and knew that the water would ruin the technology we needed in the head to win... At the same time my teammate was diving in the water from the top, my other teammates opened the window and I swam through it thinking I would help, our head had made it to the bottom of the pool by this time and as my teammate and I made the swim to the head, he picked up and as soon as he did blood starting gushing out from the base/neck of the head and I was confused why the head without a body and full of technology would have human blood in it and grossed out that I had to swim through it... I closed my eyes and silently told myself I could do it, just keep swimming back to the window and I would be okay and we would figure it out... As I began to swim towards the window under water, I could feel that I was swimming through the warm blood and was feeling grossed out, but kept telling myself I could do it, I was almost there. And I finally made it back to the window opening and opened my eyes and saw my teammate holding the head and a cloud of red blood in the water, I helped him get inside with the head first, then I swam through the window back inside... And then I woke up my dream and have wondered why I would dream something like this... I was not scared in my dream and I was not scared upon waking... I am just curious as what this dream could mean and what I can learn from it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Before I type my dream I want

Before I type my dream I want to explain that I have the most vivid dreams ever, I can feel everything during my sleep and remember the feeling when I wake up. I had a dream of walking through a beautiful field, it was an early morning, I could feel my skin bathing in the warmth of the sun, and see it shimmer of off my skin, I was barefoot and could feel every grass between my toes, and the dew that hung on the tips of the grass, I can remember the scent of every individual flower, and I can remember the wind and the feeling of it as it blew through my hair. When I set and think about these dreams I even feel it occurring as if the dream was happening right now. The dream I am about to tell I have researched and find my dream is a little different so I want the meaning of my dream. In my dream I was a leader of some sort, I had an education in a field with the brain, and genetics. I was a well known man, but I became even more popular after my most recent experiment that succeeded. I mastered the ability to completely placebo affect our bodies through meditation. I was able to trick my brain into certain beliefs and broke the impossible in a lot of ways, with further studies in my dream I found my ability to placebo affect was actually shifting parts of my DNA and adding new letters to code me. I discovered that I was mutating my self and evolving with my own beliefs. What I became well known for in my dream was being able to breath underwater. In my dream it took time to perfect the skill to begin with I could do it for only minutes, then hours, then days, and then forever it seemed. I received awards and became even more popular for my perfection of the brain and the placebo affect. The dream started to come to an end when I found that I wanted to teach one other person how to do this. I discovered after I awoke that what it took was complete peace with the world, and meditation high levels of meditation, the person I taught was my best friend Tyler. We were able to deep sea dive, and explore the beautiful ocean and go where others could not. The dream ended during and expedition. So to explain myself I am actually a very at peace person. I do meditate for real to find peace, I have placebo affected myself in a lot of ways, I have learned to drop hate in fooling my brain that hate is a wasteless emotion, with this I have found love for everyone and people I completely at peace, I tell my self at night that I want to wake up happy and have to and believe I will and I do. I have perfected hiccups, when I get the hiccups I simply tell myself that I have them and they disappear all of this only occurs because I believe it all works whole heatedly and it does. I am a very relaxed person, I recently have been finding I am lucid dreaming more often as well, and my best friend Tyler is appearing in a lot more of my dreams. I can describe how it even felt to breath underwater as well. Our lungs had a water filtering system that transformed water to oxygen almost like gills. It was heavy and hard to breath but after awhile became easy at first it felt as if someone was pressing on my lungs hard and then they became stronger and it was not a problem to breath. The could create air bubbles constantly anytime. I really want an interpretation of this dream.

/Téléchargez Windows 7 Codecs 28. Les chefs

/Téléchargez Windows 7 Codecs 28. Les chefs de projet sont de plus en plus souvent amenés dans ce contexte à motiver et diriger des équipes réparties en divers endroits.Faites en sorte que les objectifs des projets soient toujours atteints.Un effet de levier qui entra? en décembre 2012,Ce projet de recherche européen s’articule autour de trois objectifs : concevoir une plate-forme de gestion unifiée pour les architectures existantes, En partenariat avec 16 fournisseurs de services de télécommunication,Ses options dinstallation vous permettront également de ninstaller que les codecs souhaités ou dassocier la lecture de certains types de fichiers avec un lecteur spécifique.

Was going to a doctor and I

Was going to a doctor and I passed a lot muslim man dressed in white and I entered a room with two old ladies sitting on a table and when I entred they were also dressed in muslim dress code and one got up and wipe the water on the floor because it was wet but I didn't sit down

Was going to a doctor and I

Was going to a doctor and I passed a lot muslim man dressed in white and I entered a room with two old ladies sitting on a table and when I entred they were also dressed in muslim dress code and one got up and mop the floor because the was water in that room

Was going to a doctor and I

Was going to a doctor and I passed a lot muslim man dressed in white and I entered a room with two old ladies sitting on a table and when I entred they were also dressed in muslim dress code and one got up and mob the floor because the was water in that room

I was enjoying flying high over an

I was enjoying flying high over an unfamiliar city when I decided to go see a friend in another country. The I decode to go to my dream house in England or Japan, but I get stuck over the ocean, or arrive their but can't get in.

I was in this room. Perhaps a

I was in this room. Perhaps a doctors surgery and was talking to my optician. He was saying that I had eye cancer and that I needed surgery. The surgery was going to be done there and then but that I had to be awake for the surgery. He said that they would use something to open up my sockets and then pop out my eyeballs. One by one. In the dream, I refused as I would likely do.in real life but there was a part of me that thought maybe I should. And then it changed. I was in some sort of building/warehouse and with my friends. I can't remember a lot ut there was a part of me that thought maybe I should. And then it changed. I was in some sort of building/warehouse and with my friends. I can't remember a lot but I remember stepping outside and seeing my friends with someone else. The person, who is a close friend of mine, raised his hand in the air and shouted "Kangol!" As of it was some sort of secret code. For some reason, I ran off upset and came to a warehouse. Somebody following me but I kept on running. It switched to me hiding from them and then making my escape plan. I came out of my hiding place and into what seemed to be a cinema foyer with a queue of people and saw somebody that I work with. He wanted to talk to me and took me to one side. I couldn't hear words but seemed to understand regardless. Then he hugged me but it was awkward because I was taller even though in real life, he is taller.