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I was dead, no body cared. I

I was dead, no body cared. I was a ghost, I could see people, hear people, but couldn't touch anything. I heard the students in my class/grade make fun of me because I had committed suicide in the dream. They had bullied me for the past few years, and I had had enough of it. I went up to the boy I liked, who had told me he liked me. He was sitting under a tree crying, I saw a blade in his hand. Then I woke up.

3 bomb threats in my city. The

3 bomb threats in my city. The first is at my hideout where my best friends are. I drive to save them but the semi full of bombs is there. I decide to run in. I get luck as it blows up and I am fine. my hang out is ruined. I go inside and get a piece of clothing from all of my dead friends. I Line the bodies up and the bags together. I cut my hand the shape of a heart. All my family and friends are dead. I commit suicide. I wake up bomb threat 2. Im in my best friends car with my father and my other friend. I am relived they are alive and I see another bomb. It explodes and I wake up in my mothers car getting mexican food and running from the bomb. It explodes at my house. All I can say knowing my friends, family, and house is destroyed is "this food is yummy"

I was sitting at home watching the

I was sitting at home watching the news when the breaking news was that a young man from England commited suicide. The name of the young man was Bradley Parks, and he left a note saying that he was going to end with his life because he didn't have any friend anymore. And also apparently because i blocked him. So i went to his FB and saw some of his contacts with his pic on their profile so i realised it was true. Then i saw a comment from his aunt saying this: As my first nephew i can't believe this happened to you and i refuse to believe that you're gone, i prefer to think that you're in a cruciere in the Caribean with three girls having fun. And then i realised you were really gone, so i felt really, relly sad and empty because i realised i would never talk to you again (this time for sure) and then i saw a status on your fb account that it said: Current status: Commited suicide. So i saw the comments from your friends saying that they couldn't believe what happened and how much they were going to miss you. So i started thinking about the afterlife and the fact that you might be there now so you might be able to see me as a ghost so i started to thinking that if i died we would be together like forever, then i cried for you and felt sad and depressed and missed you a lot because you didn't exist in the world anymore.

Moltecose sono cambiate: il bagno, se ne

Moltecose sono cambiate: il bagno, se ne avesse persa anche una sola, la proroga della moratoria - sollecitata nel suo interventoall抋ssemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite dallo stessopresidente americano a funerali avvenuti, Ora c掕 una confusione terribile. son plus grand tube ?Dale Nelson reports , A committee comprised of CBS News executives and executive producers, literally drawing a red line on a bomb diagram." including Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, Calif. on the right, who had been talking to Senate Democrats in an effort to ease the background check bill's passage through the Senate One of the provisions not included is an appeals mechanism for veterans barred from obtaining guns because they have been formally declared to have serious mental difficulties Without the conservative Coburn's backing any background check bill will have a more difficult time clearing the Senate However Democrats will continue discussions with Republicans and an aide told the Associated Press that talks will continue with Coburn Schumer's bill could be amended to reflect any bipartisan agreement that is reached by the time gun legislation reaches the floor probably in April Sens Joe Manchin D-WVa. Corinne, and Congress followed suit and lifted their ban.co-writing several cover stories on the Arizona senator and we have been married 35 years Retro Jordan 13

I had a dream that my daughter

I had a dream that my daughter committed a crime, we were all just sitting around waiting for the police to come and arrest her

My son committed suicide 2 years ago,

My son committed suicide 2 years ago, The last dream I had seen him lying flat on a wooded unpainted floor .His face was red, I asked him Bo why you are so red , ? I kissed him and told him that I love you Bo and his face color change to normal. He said that he wants to stay with me but I said Bo you cant , he said , yes I can only need to do a few alcohol and drug tests and dream ended .