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Im in a forest at twilight, graves

Im in a forest at twilight, graves all through, i walk up a slight hill in the forest towards our house. its an old fashioned house, I walk inside and to my keft is the kitchen a modern kitchen and my sisters and my mother are cooking. I walk past the kitchen into this huge open living area, to my left an old man is sitting in a big old leather chair, he has his back turned to me, its rather dark and there are antiques everywhere, a stuffed animal is on display, however, i cant work out what it is. To my left is a big staircase, with blood red velvet carpet, I look up and there are no ceilings like different floor levels accept theie walls and white doors in a row on each floor, like they are rooms, however, i cant see how you get up to them. I start climbing the stairs, a very wide staircase, i feel unsettled, scared even. something reminds me that i cant go past the fourth floor, once you go past the fourth floor you will never come back. thats when i wake up just as i reach the fourth floor.