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I dreamt that I gave birth to

I dreamt that I gave birth to identical twin daughters and the dream was in colour and I could probably draw the babies faces if I have to that's how real it felt

I was in a shopping mall with

I was in a shopping mall with my identical twin sister Grace and one of my friends, Emily. I was four and half months pregnant but I wasn't showing. I had no baby bump or anything. We went to a new shop on the top floor and began to talk to the woman there. The shop was a teaching nursery and I told the woman that I wanted to learn how to care for my baby when it arrived. She made my sister and friend go away and sat me at a two person table with her. She asked me about why I wanted to learn how to look after my baby and if I was happy being pregnant. I was very happy being pregnant but I told her that I didn't have a boyfriend and I had never had sex, she told me it was normal and that my baby would be fine. She asked me if I was guilty about being pregnant at fifteen, I said no and she said that was a good thing. Then we went on a walk around the shopping mall. She gave me a book to write in and asked me all to write down all of the things I wanted to learn but she said I needed a pen to write with so she'd buy me one from W H Smiths but we couldn't find the shop. We walked to the bottom floor of the shopping mall and met a boy from school and his girlfriend who kicked the wall and it lit up a map of the shopping mall so we could see where the shop was. I'd been to the shopping mall in a previous dream and began to remember where the shop was. In stead of going to the shop we went back to the baby shop and it turned into a nursery which I decorated and then I grew a baby bump and rubbed it.

I had a dream of someone i

I had a dream of someone i like. He met my parents, but he was misbehaving and acting like a child? He was rude to them, and was just really childish. In the beginning my dad was friendly which is the opposite of how he usually will react, but at the end of the day he became annoyed and hated the guy i like. Somewhere along the way he picked a fight with 3 dogs? And at the end of the dream he wanted to leave and i lost my shoe instead i accidentally took an identical looking shoe different size.

I was being fronted by motorcyclists that

I was being fronted by motorcyclists that looked identical and so were my parents. Then I was put into a cell/cage underground and next door to me my parents shared a cell. That night underground shook violently and then there was a crack that sucked us all in. We fell through time and space, then landed in the garage of the house I grew up in. My parents had an "exhibit" of their wedding day. Strangers were coming in and out of the garage and then, I told my mom that we can't have this happening in here! Then I started to pick up things and she smacked me so hard I fell on the ground. After she put the things I dropped back, I was on the ground still crying and she carried me to my room. She locked the door with a padlock and took the key with her, I was crying and having a tantrum. Once I stopped then I got up and headed for the and then couldn't get out! I was trapped in my room.