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I had a dream where my guy

I had a dream where my guy friend and i were at a party then we hugged for a while and then i sat on his lap. after sone time he said let's go somewhere else, out of the party, i asked him where do you want to go to which he replied i don't know let's eat and go somewhere

I went to lord Hanuman temple and

I went to lord Hanuman temple and there I had seen one Little boy selling rudraksha and I asked him is this original rudraksha but he didn't reply anything so I gave him tips how to sell rudraksha by telling lie, everyone clapped after hearing my tips.

I went to lord Hanuman temple and

I went to lord Hanuman temple and there I saw one Little boy selling rudraksha and I asked him is this original rudraksha but he didn't reply anything so I gave him tips how to sell rudraksha by telling lie, everyone clapped after hearing my tips.

I was in a school which was

I was in a school which was totally different i used to study, i see my old classmates, and my younger brother study with me. The School has no walls it was open school. And a teacher Come to ask me a question "how to record audio in computer?" I replied. Then I was changing the seats again and again with my friends.

So I dreamed that I was getting

So I dreamed that I was getting ready to go to a party, for some reason I even "packed" for it and left home. When I got there, I heard that many people had left and when I went upstairs, the whole floor was glowing red. 6-7 elderly men were sitting right by the stairs, they looked dark and were drinking. When I passed by, there was a huge mattress on the floor behind them, and a dozen people were lying on it. I stood next to them and looked at them and suddenly my boyfriend appeared who was lying on the mattress all the time, he was covered for a short time but I saw that he was naked together with all the people who were lying there. I recognized the girl he was with and started to argue with the boy, but he didn't seem to care, he didn't care. Crying, I started to pack and leave that place. When I got out, I was relieved, I started to go back to some small "island" surrounded by a lake, I associate it with my cottage on the lake that I have. When I swam across the water and climbed to the island, I saw 5 "guards" walking around it and it was much easier for me, I felt like I knew that they were watching over me and waiting for me to come back. Then I threw all those things I was carrying, that "burden" on the ground because I knew I was safe together with those bags I was carrying. As soon as I threw that load on the ground, I suddenly flew towards "my" house, which was not far from there. In the end, I tried to enter the house through the window on the second floor, which was open, but its blinds were too low, so I entered the terrace door, which was also open, but the blinds were raised higher, all this while I was flying .... When I woke up, I thought about that dream, how I felt safe, confident and happy when I left my boyfriend and came to my "home", which looked like a fantasy, along with the island it was on.

Me and my sister in one house

Me and my sister in one house with my aunt in her house. And suddenly hear some noise and cam out and see my brother coming with a bag. We asked what is in it, and he replied it has a snake. Then he has thrown that bag in the tunnel there in front of the house. Once the bag is reached ground, the snake erect and went to the house. But my bother and I are laughing and don't feel tension on that we shocked by the snake jump only.

A famous political leader (Lindsay Graham) was

A famous political leader (Lindsay Graham) was murdered in the basement of my childhood home. The home was bigger and cleaner and much nicer. He was sirrounded by a clear plastic box and the gun was in a smaller box next to him. It was set up to look like a suicide. I called 911 and waited for the police by the front door. The plastic box was empty (like an empty coffin). A man jumped in to show that no one was there. No one believed me. They thought I was hallucinating or a liar.

I dreamed of my late grand mother

I dreamed of my late grand mother blessing me. She was seated on top of her grave and she asked me to lie down between her legs and spoke blessings upon me

Family didn't believe me when I said

Family didn't believe me when I said parasit fish were trying to kill us and that that a parasite shapeshifter in the form of my sister touched me