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I was in a nice 4 door

I was in a nice 4 door pickup truck and was driving around manassas close to osbourne or somewhere by a school (I kinda recognized where we was it looked familiar but different) and somehow H was in the truck too. I stopped at mcdonalds and a white dude who knew me came up and was hugging me and we were talking. H was still in the truck, but eventually came out as soon as he asked me for my number as we were walking back to his car. H was standing there gritting on us while I bought a quick $50 bag from him and he said he was headed for kentucky but he took my number and said he would call me tomorrow and would gladly come back for me (I think he liked me!) so of course H is cussing me out in the truck as I was driving him somewhere (probably my apartment in the dream). I got pissed, pulled off the road at some store and told him you know what if you dont like it GTFO I was screaming at him...i drove into some gate with a dark road down it but something said turn around and leave and right as I did I saw a cop running towards the gate and the gate had closed as soon as I pulled outta there (whole time I had my 50 bag in my left hand in the door pocket LOL) so I turned around just to drive past H to see what he was doing- he was standing at a church with a baby in his hands and I yelled to him whos baby is that and he said Paul's...then he was calling for some girl stephanie to come help him....so since I saw he had people to help him I left...sparked up my bag and was headed towards home and woke up. There was also some small part where I was in an apartment and carlos and one of his friends were there but no C in sight...IDK what was up with that???

I started off in an all white

I started off in an all white McDonald's and I was trying to get enough money for a sweet tea an a sandwich but I only had enough for a cookie. I went outside to join a tour group to enter a building. This building turned out to be a prison. There was a prison riot and all those in the tour group were killed by a convict. The prisoner escaped. I was then into truck trying to drive but I couldn't control it and was spinning in circles. When I got it moved I went to a trailer to wait there the trailer was close to the prison where I was saved fr dying by a cookie. I hid alone in the trailer with the doors locked scared until my dad arrived. I was then absent from the rest. I watched two miners carrying coal on a mine track they looked off in the distance and saw the convict. The convict Killed them by biting off a large chunk from their neck There was a lot of blood. The scene them changed to a crime scene where people were investigating the Murders. I then woke up

I dreamed that my father bought me

I dreamed that my father bought me an McDonalds Breakfast Deluxe for breakfast but he came home with some other breakfast. My cousins were at my house. Apparently Mcdonalds had banned the Deluxe. I got really pissed off that I started acting like a angry maniac in the house. Then I took off in a car with my grandfather we were going to Mcdonalds. I was listening to my music in the passenger seat. The song I was listening to was by Jessica Folker "To be able to Love" (Jonathan Peters Mix). We went to go look for the breakfast Deluxe. In the main street by house, there were three car crashes. They were brunt and totaled. First car was a Taxi. Second car was a regular driver that was driving a truck that looked like my friend's truck. The third car was a police car. All three cars were empty. There were firemen putting out the fire and many people were gathering around. All passengers in three cars were dead. I only saw a dead women on the floor that wasn't covered up completely. Didn't see the other dead bodies but I knew they were dead. I had a feeling the woman drove the truck. But my friend is male. The Taxi was burnt up more than the truck. The police car was totaled and burnt but recognizable as a police car. I think, I think somehow the cop car was totaled from behind. I felt so scared and sad that the people were dead.

I was walking to Mcdonald's with Allison

I was walking to Mcdonald's with Allison and we went in and started fighting with the people inside. I pulled out a gun from nowhere and started fighting along my friend. It was all men, shooting at us and they were all older looking. I wasn't afraid though, I felt oddly content and capable. There was pieces of glass flying around everywhere and then the dream changed and I became confused as to where I was. I was walking down a dark and dangerous street but I stayed close to the sidewalk where the lamp lights reached.

Me and a group of people were

Me and a group of people were at a bbq and my crush was there and he gave my friends hugs and then he gave me and my roommate a hug together and then i asked for a serperate hug and he gave ,e one. Then we were all on a tour bus at mcdonalds and he was asking me questions about my life over a speaker and then told me he would by me a stuffed animal from the bin outside of mcdonalds

My friend Rhys was house-sitting and he

My friend Rhys was house-sitting and he invited me over. We kissed. Then I left but I forgot my backpack so I went back and he was having a Super Bowl party. And then my friend Andrew and I went upstairs and suddenly it was an elementary school with a McDonald's food court inside. We sat in a booth.

My Father, who passed 2 years ago,

My Father, who passed 2 years ago, was clearing out the house, he said he was having everything audited, but after he had everything put back. Then after awhile I see him and my mother at Mcdonalds and he asked me if I wanted to go mall walking with them. At first I said no but then I agreed and went with them. I lost them for a little while and then found them.