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In my dream I am in some

In my dream I am in some kind of temple that.has high.ceiling. i am not sure why i am there. the priestess comes in dressed in a light gown with distinctive lines on her face and clothes. She has a few people with her following her as she is coming in. All man I think but they have nothing specific about them. as she comes in I have a need to fly away from her and I start at will to rise above her and I get up the top of the template. I spread my hand, and declare that they are not true believers and that only the God creator is true. I feel energy in my hands and I use it to push it down against everyone below. I had a moment while I am grabbing energy where I doubted if the energy I am taking is pure or even. At that moment I looked up to the sky calling on Devine, true God for help.

I am in a church with a

I am in a church with a fire next to me I see the priest walk by and I am talking to dead people.

I go into a spare room of

I go into a spare room of my house and a door leads to another room and another door to another room this gos on and on. then im outside walking in muck towards the chaple to see the priest

Priest is playing an organ in a

Priest is playing an organ in a dark church with candles I am alone he points to chocolate cake and I eat it then is possessed by evil I am fighting

I am at my home and my

I am at my home and my family and I go outside but my older brother stays inside locked up inside his room outside we find people gathered outside a strange fence blocking my view to the other side apparently some ones corpse is on the other side we start telling a story of a man and women making out and then suddenly choking each other the women killed the man then suddenly I saw my parents making out then I suddenly wondered where my baby brother was and saw him going around the fence and I went to chase him as I grabed him I saw the corpse the n I started talking to the people not noticing my parents making out suddenly I saw the sun and moon in the same time in the sky they told me to get a picture of it so I rushed inside to get my iPad but when I came out it was gone and people starting to leave talking about a priest coming in the evening so my parents and I go inside but for some reason I feel insecure and lock the doors suddenly some one starts to knock when I see who it is I see the corpse with all my might I start pushing the door close knowing the locks aren't enough to keep it out I call for help but no one comes then knowing they won't come I start chanting prayers then I wake up