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Driving on a country road not far

Driving on a country road not far from where I used to live. road bends, a house that sells brick-a-brac furnishings outside. Not the best quality. got to new house location that we are going to live. cross street has little children selling lemonade. waiting for cousin to come by as they live close. worried that we cant go out at night because of reports of grizzly bears in the woods.not too far from river. bicycles are thought of

I wear a Spangenhelm on the battlefield.

I wear a Spangenhelm on the battlefield. Because of this I am recognized and given proper respect. My spangenhel, intimidates my enemies and earns me respect from allies. When I wear it I am nearly invincible. Trouble may follow, but I use my dignity to overcome it. I'm dignified even when up to my ears in mud. It's what makes people respect me. A serious, thoughtful demeanor is the route to success. The most important quality of a great hero is Strength. A norn who seeks to become a legend must have great physical prowess. Strength is the key to victory! At a recent celebratory moot held in Hoelbrak, I got in a fight. I've had a rival ever since I was young. He's intelligent, treacherous, and cunning. I lost our last duel, but next time we meet, I will even the score. When I was still a cub, I had a vision. A Spirit of the Wild spoke to me and offered its guardianship. That spirit was a Snow Leopard. Snow Leopard is a stealthy, smiling spirit. She teaches us independence, strategy, and laughter in the face of danger. To this day, her wisdom guides me, and my memory of her visit comforts me on dark nights.

My mother and I are in a

My mother and I are in a Walmart-like store that sells everything from food to furniture. As we are walking around not shopping for anything in particular, I notice there is no one else in this store save for myself and my mother. I walk into an area that seems to be produce but there is nothing on the racks except one clove of sprouted garlic - I pick it up and set it back down again, seemingly annoyed at the poor quality of the garlic. I am then suddenly in the furniture section of the store and my mother and I both notice a large crack in the ceiling with torrents of water pouring through soaking a Persian style rug on the floor just beneath it. My mother says "let's get out of here because that ceiling is about to collapse. So we hurry out the store and find a troop of security guards on walkie-talkies rushing in. I decide to go back in (without my mother) and notice that the furniture in the room is actually fake - it made of wax or something --it's not wood I am a bit upset by this and just as I am about to go tell my mother about this I wake up.

I dreamed I was in a theme

I dreamed I was in a theme park. It a a sort of vintage effect and the quality was that of a film. The lights were not very bright so the whole place was dimmed a bit. The colours were beautiful but everything seemed to be blurred and also the whole background except things I was doing. There were silent laughter of children and grownups. It felt like I was there alone. It was weird because I was not happy or afraid. I just saw myself stuck in that spinning world.