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I had a dream last night that

I had a dream last night that I was in an unfamiliar house that I know is not mine in my mind but iin my dream it was mine . As I was walking into the back yard I opened the hardy and strong screen door that leads into the back yard . Outside it there were plants and shrubs with a wooden deck with stairs that lead down to the back yard. As soon as I walk out my dog runs past me as he always does in real life . I just it was almost simoustanley turned around my dog started barking because of a green ish brown snake was there. And he started to bark and try to attack it as the snake was trying to do the Same thing . So I sprung into action and help to defend and protect my beloved dog from getting bitten and injured . I was all so trying to attack it my self to get the snake to go away. I some how got my dog back into the house along with my self and closed the screen door. During this whole thing I was a little scared but got past it to protect my dog and attack the snake .. As soon as I closed a door a wild bunny appeared as it tried to get into my house I look at it with fear that it might get attack as well . The bunny turned around and it screamed in Fear . Again my instincts kick in regardless of what might happened to myself . I opened the door while holding my dog back so he does not get out side again . I opened the screen door trying to get the bunny inside the house to protect him but as soon as I opened the door the snake saw it and rushed to get inside. I shut the screen door as soon as the snakes head got into my house but I shut the door fast and closed it on his body almost two to three inches past his head . It reacted and pulled its body back . But the bunny was still there out there with the snake. Again I jump out side and closed the screen door behind me . I got I between the snake And The bunny and was defending the bunny from the snake. As it was now focused on. Me trying to get me now I got the bunny to get away . When I did that my family came out side. First it was my little 3 year old niece trying to come out side through the screen door as I was defending myself from the snake now. My got all the way out side and shut the door behind her too. Now I have some one else to protect and my mom suddenly came out side through anothe door leading to the back yard and walk to the side of the house where I was. Then I started to scream at them to get away that there is a snake. My mom asking me something that is as not paying attention too what she was saying . I guess she did not realized the situation that I was in I was pushing her yelling at her to get away from here. And my little nice was still in danger of the snake because she was the closet to it . I was still trying to defend the snake away protecting my family and my self from being bitten as it was trying to strike and hiss . I got the back screen door that I can out of open . I remember being scared and panicking while at the same time my instincts to protect and defend everything I loved. With bravery to do some that's is scary . My nice was trying to fight me like a little kid and wanting to stay outside not knowing the situation that she was in . I was pushing her back into the house hold my niece pushing back trying to outside. I was pushed she hard to get her back in the house that she fell over hitting her head on the door way I just keep pushing her to get back in. As I finally got her back inside the house she did not get hurt nor did she cry that she hit her head . While all this is still going I did not see my dog anymore as he retreated back in the house where it was safe. I shut the sort being my niece to prtect them from the snake getting inside the house and then she diiapeared from Site as she walk further away from the screen door into the house . I successfully protected the my dog bunny and 3 year old niece from the snake. All that was left now was my mom who was not paying attention to the situation I was pushing her to go away to prtect her from the snake the snake was still hissing and striking at me. We finally got distance away from the snake I believe it was about 1 or 2 yards away and I finally woke up from my dream. I protected my family my beloved pet dog a wild bunny that finally got away from the snake. That happened right before my nice and mom came around almost same time. Then I woke up , It was about 2:00 - 2:15 am when I awoke.... I am trying to examine my dream but do not know what it means.

I was walking behind my son, and

I was walking behind my son, and he fell in a hole. The first time he fell half way in and the second,(both occerences in same dream...sort of rewound itself like a movie on screen) he fell in the hole, running, I got to the hole, saw him from above, and as I grabbed for him and/ or something to grab him with I woke feeling mad and frustrated and fear all at the same time,

Me and a group of people were

Me and a group of people were walking laps and my cousin wanted me to walk with her but a group of people wouldn't let me move but I tried and tried and finally did.then next thing I remember is walking in a place where I thought was heaven with my cousin I said" everything great its heaven" later I remembered was thre was a man and he was talking to my cousin a evil twins were behind her laughing creepily. Then I felt like I was fast forwarding it on a movie screen.and I felt like some parts I was in a movie and some parts I was beside her. I remember watching it in movie form because it said my ipod was 20 percent and I charged it at hundred percent and woke up with a hundred. I fast forward it to me and my cousin trying to get out but it didn't work....then I woke up

I dreamed I was involved in the

I dreamed I was involved in the plot of a horror film. It involved a haunted house, or abandoned house, where I supposed awful things were to take place. I walked by what I looked to be this haunted building, only it has been transformed into a large department store. I think this is a neat trick, it will attract people whom it can submit to its horrors. I walk in and look around. Everything looks normal, but I am waiting for something to scare me. But, then, the thought occurs to me that this is a nightmare, and therefore I should face anything fearsome. This thought radically changes my outlook, and with an open and curious attitude I turn to the scenery, now floating along, looking for challenges and anything interesting. I note that some people are operating a video camera at one side of the room and the video screen is on the other side. I am intrigued by the idea of getting my own image displayed and orient myself in front of the camera, while looking at the screen. The idea becomes sexual and I wanted to display myself on the video screen. At first it was a struggle to get the screen to display anything other than my back from the waist up fully clothed. Eventually, I got the right zone on the display and begin to remove my jeans. I begin to experience sexual arousal which intensified quite rapidly and within five seconds, I had a wonderful orgasm, the first I'd experienced in two months. I awaken immediately afterward feeling satisfied.

I was in a big open vehicle

I was in a big open vehicle in a scary haunted house with a lady all dressed in black and a overweight man dressed in black trying to get me but I couldn't leave because the stairs were covered in metal spikes that would hurt my feet because I wasn't wearing shoes but then I ran up them and it didn't hurt for some reason and I jumped through boxes of pink raisin boxes through a small screen window. they put the raisin boxes there so that if one got knocked over they would know I left. But I managed to escape without knocking any over. But I don't know what happened to the rest of my family.

I was over a lady house that

I was over a lady house that I had not seen a long and time and as I was in her living room I looked up and saw a big flat screen television in the middle of the ceiling and then on each side I saw to medium flat televisions.