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This is a reaccuring dream from my

This is a reaccuring dream from my childhood, I dream im inthe war fighting the germans and I see an abandoned house i go there to hide and the furniture was covered with sheets and so I hide behind a chair thatr is covered and part of my boot is showing and the germans find me then i wake up but i do believe they shoot me

I was sitting at an altar with

I was sitting at an altar with a sheet wrapped around my, very tight around my hands, looking at a lit candle, and the candle lit the sheet on fire. I was trying to break free from the sheet and I couldn't

A boy that I fancy was standing

A boy that I fancy was standing at the side while I was walking to class he held my hand and pulled me towards him then he kissed me I saw everyone looking and smiling then they left I carried on kissing him until it started raining so we went under this plastic sheet then ran to my locker but I saw my best guy friend and he ran away from me

I was staying in a house, that

I was staying in a house, that used to once be an all girls academy, many years ago. Though very old, the house was refurbished. Everyday I would hear footsteps and giggling, sometimes darting from room to room. One night as I am in bed with my best friend, she nudges me to wake me up. She tells me she can hear noises downstairs and we need to see whats happening. We go down the staircase into the main living room, to see that one of the windows were open. Letting the wind and rain get in. We close the window and go back upstairs. She wakes me about an hour or so after saying she hears something again. We go downstairs again to see all the windows are open, while a large rocking chair is rocking back and forth. all the furniture was covered in white sheets. Outside the window in the rain I could faintly see a young boy laughing and giggling. WE go back upstairs in a fright and I tell her not to go downstairs no matter what. We hear footsteps and our door open as the figure whispers to me "You have to come downstairs I have something to show you, you have to come downstairs now."

I was in a submarine, I was

I was in a submarine, I was the radar man, we were on a world war two sub, it felt so real, we were talking and having fun, but I was not experienced at radar, there was a sheet explaining what to do, while I was reading it, I guess the sub was hit and it filled with water, I held my breath, I knew I was going to die, and then it went back to the beginning of the dream like it was a rerun, but I knew I was dead

I saw a 12-year-old girl named Sarah

I saw a 12-year-old girl named Sarah in a metal case, and she had pale white skin, dark hair and eyes and dressed in a white sheet, she was the first human clone, and she would lay in the case and I would visit her very often, she would stay asleep until I came to her, opened the case, and pushed a button, then she would wake up, but remain laying down and seemed very tired. I felt a strong feeling of compassion and love during the dream.

I walked in my boyfriends house to

I walked in my boyfriends house to surprise him and he had a girl in his bedroom that look more like his living room because I had to look over a couch to see the bed and her and his sheets were white instead of red.