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I dreamt that I discovered I had

I dreamt that I discovered I had an adopted brother and sister my entire life, but my parents had never introduced them as that to us so I never realised. It happened really suddenly that I was at home in New Cross, in my room but as an adult, and I think I'd heard some news story about adoption and it had made me think- I wish I had adopted siblings. And all of a sudden it came over me that I did. I'd had an adopted brother this whole time and I had never realised / put 2 and 2 together. I collapsed in tears of joy and sadness at the same time. I ran to where my mum and sister Joanna were tidying away clothes and tried to help and ask questions but I could barely function. My adopted brother was there too - he was a tall, handsome Asian man, very gentle and kind. I asked my mum and dad questions - it turns out they adopted two children, a Polish girl (who was not as close, a difficult adoption it seemed) and this Asian boy, who we had always grown up with and never questioned why. I asked my dad why they never explained to us: "because your mother said you children might not accept / try to sabotage them if you saw them as competition, so decided it was better to not say anything at all." This was classic my parents' approach to parenting- not trusting the kids and keeping their own confidences. I ran away from the room and as I ran I kept collapsing in floods of tears. My whole sense of being and understanding of who I was felt shaken, but I was also overwhelmed with love and affection for this sibling I had never recognised as such. The whole time he was there, quietly and gently present, aware of the emotional roller coaster I was going through and I had hugged him many times in tears already, and apologised for not knowing sooner. I ran upstairs - collapsing in piles of tears alof the way - back to my bedroom where he was in the bed and threw myself into his arms in the darkness and in my tears. I woke up then, not 100% sure if the love I expressed in that moment was more than that for a brother. It was possibly the relief of finding a soul mate. I dreamt this after an argument with my brother who earlier that day said he could not help me / give me advice about my relationship with Ben. I was very hurt and cried a lot - similarly completely overwhelmed / isolated. I felt quite betrayed by him in that moment. He has always been my closest confidante.

I had a dream that I went

I had a dream that I went over to my first love who passed away last March’s house. I walked in and went upstairs to where his room was when we were dating, and his room was an arcade. I walked in and I couldn’t find him. I saw him a couple times for a few seconds and it just seemed that he kept fading away and I kept getting frustrated and sad that he kept disappearing. Then I woke up and remembered he passed last year.

My husband died. I have never dreamt

My husband died. I have never dreamt of him until the other night. I have found dimes 3 or 4 times when there were decisions I just made or needed to make. The first scene I dreamed I was laying in bed and my dead husband was laying to my right and the man I’m interested in was on my left. Although there was nothing said in the dream the next scene I saw, I remember it looked like I was leaning toward or was slightly above the new interest (like maybe I was raising up to kiss him or crawling over the new man) and looking back to my left and seeing my husband laying there. From the view perspective I was in the middle dead husband was behind me, new man in front of me. There were no negative feelings but there really was not any good or positive feelings either. What does this mean????

Thought i'd take my own advice for

Thought i'd take my own advice for once. March18 2014. Laying here thinking. Feels like i got deported. Friends and family miss me dearly. Mom thinks im a drug addict. Telling other fam that im mixing drugs and all this non sense. I honestly don't know how my mental os remaining strong after all this shit that i been through. not a complaint. I know im still here by the Grace of God. Who am i though. People probably look at me and say. oh , there goes that corny SKINNY ass nigga daniel, Why is sharde even with him. Why did alex even date him. he's Nobody. Right. Im Nobody. I can accept this. why. because 1. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. and i believe in standing by your opinion. so If Im Such A Nobody. how About hou prove im A Nobody. Matter of fact. how About you walk in my Shoes. parents Divorced when i was like 3. Sent away by my mom 3 times. made my mother think she failed as a parent with me. Constant pressure to Succeed in something you don't even have a passion for. Judged by your family because of the decisions you make. Thats Not even Half Of It. but You still see me crack a fucking smile so you can think everything is Ok. When in actuality . its Not. Its far from Ok.

Had a dream that I was hanging

Had a dream that I was hanging with Dustin and some chick and we almost ran over some kid like three times cause we were on some kinda scooter and we started arguing with his mom and she goes "he's deaf he can't hear you" and I said "if he's deaf he shouldn't be on the road" then her dog bit Dustin and I woke up

I was the head of an ancient

I was the head of an ancient order of tantric monks. Our order had perfected extremely advanced sexual techniques that allowed us to transcend physical limitations of time and space. Many of these techniques utilized semenancy - and as a result most of the monks were constantly experimenting with supplements to increase the volume of the semen they were capable of ejaculating. Somehow these supplements were genetically modified by Elon Musk in such as way as to increase seminal volume several thousand times beyond the maximum sought by semenancy practitioners. As a result many monks were rocketed into earth orbit by the force of their own ejaculations. My dream ended just as I was about to interpret a particularly fascinating semen splatter pattern on the face of one of our young temple prostitutes. It was very frustrating as it seemed like the meaning of everything was about to be revealed just before I woke up.

I’ve had many dreams like this. One

I’ve had many dreams like this. One was recurring where a ghost-like figure pulled me under a desk one of my cousins watched this happen to me while sipping a hot beverage in a mug and the rest of my family ran away. I had this dream many times as a little kid. In a dream I had last night, one of my family members set off a firework that made such a big explosion it threw me back on top of myself. My neck was broken, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t hear, and I was screaming. My family stood over me, watched, and laughed.

Generally I am on some kind of

Generally I am on some kind of tram or bus. I am traveling along with some textbooks and notebooks. Usually I have a backpack but sometimes I am just carrying the books in my arms. Anyway, eventually someone I know gets on the bus. It is finals or midterms week and I have no doubt been up most of the night. The person asks if I am ready for the test in (and then he/she names a subject). I freak out and say I am not in that class! I then realized I either had never been aware I had that class or I hadn’t been there since the 1st week and forgot to return or forgot to drop the class. Anyway I break out in a cold sweat and ask to borrow his/her notes and start cramming as fast as I can. I realize that the final covers the whole semester and is worth about 80% of the class. I also realize I must pass this class in order to get to remain in school…then I awaken