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It was the middle of a zombie

It was the middle of a zombie apocalypse. I was still dating my boyfriend. Whenever we were alone, we would be very sexual. However, I was cheating on my boyfriend. Me and another boy were hiding our relationship. When we were together, we would hold hands and do cute things together. I felt happier with the other man.

I dreamed I was in an apocalypse

I dreamed I was in an apocalypse with 3 friends. I saw my dads car be stolen my one of my friends who was almost like a zombie. They got her out the car and she chased another friend. That friend eventually shot her but then vaporised. The shot girl turned around with a hole in her body

I keep having a dream of a

I keep having a dream of a zombie apocalypse & I'm in a house with people I dont know. They find a car and I'm stuck at this house with two other people. I leave out the back door looking for a car and the zombies start chasing me . Theres two endings , either they chase me down or I find a car but its locked and they catch me. I always wake up before I die . Ive been having this dream for about two yeare

I keep having a dream of a

I keep having a dream of a zombie apocalypse & I'm in a house with people I dont know. They find a car and I'm stuck at this house with two other people. I leave out the back door looking for a car and the zombies start chasing me . Theres two endings , either they chase me down or I find a car but its locked and they catch me. I always wake up before I die

My friends who were in my dream

My friends who were in my dream changed race and it was a zombie apocalypse but they were zombies only in their head and my mom was a black lady

This dream has been happening to me

This dream has been happening to me since I started the school year. A lot of the times I doze off, I approach a situation in which there is a zombie apocalypse. However, it's always lucid for some reason and I control the outcome. Whenever I failed to survive and get cornered by zombies, I have the same dream reoccurring until I outlive that zombie apocalyse. Then the next dream is a different scenario but the same situation, I would be controlling my own actions in the dream but repeat it if I fail.

A zombie apocalypse had taken place. My

A zombie apocalypse had taken place. My best friend and I had survived for years, and we took in anyone in need of help and treated them like family. I saw my best friend lying on the bed, moaning with blood coming from her nose and mouth, her skin looking a bit discolored. I (hesitantly) stuck a screwdriver through her head so she wouldn't have to suffer the mindless existence of being undead. I didn't realize it, but she was speaking fluent English. Although I stabbed her multiple time in an attempt the relinquish her from the hell the world was, she wouldn't pass. I then came to the realization that she wasn't a zombie, because she was speaking to me, telling me that things were going to be okay . She then fell silent and limb, and tears came from my eyes.