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I dreamt that I snuck my ex

I dreamt that I snuck my ex boyfriend into my parents house and we were having aex and my mom walked in and we pretended to sleep. I’m 40 and still living at home

My girlfriend dreams of herself trying to

My girlfriend dreams of herself trying to close curtains right round a very high tent and when she closes they were opening again and then l appeared in the and start to help her closing the curtains

I got a dream where viswanath, km

I got a dream where viswanath, km and me were there. So we went to viswanath for some sort of class like he was teaching something. There was Divya beside me so I asked her if the pen was mine, she was so surprised and looking at me, I told her if it's yours let it be, check once and let me know if it's not just return to me. Later in the other scene there was one girl who was very fat so viswanath took her to by telling "tell me what happened that day clearly" (the girl was a abit frightened) along with viswanath km also went to my surprise. So I was writing some notes in my note book, to my utter surprise the book is English grammer and some theory which belongs to my mom, where I have written my name on it, but I observed it was scratched neatly. In the front page there was an old name some ancestral name starting with M. In the next scene, there was a nandini old friend of mine, where she was telling me km told me everything that you were abit upset that you didn't feel anything when you hugged him, I was just calm she informed me that like he told her if I could have shown her some feelings she may have felt that and he was upset about that. In the next scene, i saw a Muslim women down in the apartment where viswanath, girl, km and other man who went to talk to her, were about to return, i saw a scene where km was proposing that Muslim girl, like "why are torturing me, like he was telling her that he love her etc ., stuff I was very much surprised like he was some sort of forcing her and explaining her all kinds of details he was feeling about her. I saw all the stuff in that scene. I was in my home, the house was all empty, nobody was there with me.

I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was at a high school, it had maybe a very mild resemblance to my school. And the school down by the football field for some reason had a beach. And this seal kept jumping out of the water to scare us. I was saying in my dream, "It has to stay in the water it can't hurt us". And then it popped out of the water can and started chasing me and some other person (I forgot or don't know who they were). It chased us up a ramp that led to the main school area. It started attacking everybody. I and the person I was with split up somehow, and I was hiding with multiple other people in some little room connected to the library. Then, (I forgot why) I decided to leave the building and hide behind the library. There was like a little narrow area between the library and this fence. So I stayed there for a bit. Soon enough, I decided to go back to the library room and I found everyone in there dead. There were multiple bodies scattered around the rest of the school too. I don't know now when or how, but at some point, it was a dog, and not a seal anymore. Some kind of golden retriever-looking dog. It continued causing chaos until some one I forgot whether it was me or someone else had a bow and arrow pointed at the dog, and was about to kill it. This was in front of the library as well. Then I don't get why but everyone started agreeing that it shouldn't be killed. So it wasn't killed and was just being treated like normal after killing so many students. After that I don't remember much other than that we were at some outside assembly or all the remaining people were just sitting in rows outside on the grass.

Dreamed about my own wedding although I

Dreamed about my own wedding although I am already. The person I was getting married to was not my current husband. My older brother and my late parents were in attendance. However my parents appeared very young in the dream.

I had a dream in this dream

I had a dream in this dream i was in school then it was time for me to leave,so when i started off i was in a blue car and my lecturer was the one driving me,then behind there was another car with my siblings in it Following me,so the road we were driving on was narrow,it required a lot of work to drive through the road,so what haooened was at some point the car just stopped moving then my lecturer left and said he is coming kanshi he went back to his office,in the road we were moving it was like a passage again because in the sides there were offices,so i came out of the car trying to find a way for how the car was going to pass and while i was doing that there was a guy passing so i called him and asked him to help me push the car but he started trying to flirt with me he was a humanizer so i got upset and chased him and i reported to the other girls he was flirting with,that's how the guy left in anger,so after he left the road became well to drive through and i went back up to call my lecturer so when i went to his office what he said was "my favorite student is here" then i told him that we can go now the car can move,so we went back to the car he continued driving and both the car that was behind with siblings in it was also able to move.so when we started leaving my lecturer told me to start calling my parents that they can come get me now aswel

I had a dream about this other

I had a dream about this other girl from school who Always wanted to be my girlfriend but I couldn’t date her because she was friends with my girlfriend before we broke up , so I’m this dream it looks like me and that girl we were dating and we were at school we were kissing everytime we pass by each other then I went to an exam room after that it was after school I spent some time with the girl when I checked the time it was already four hours late from home time then I decided to go look for my transport mates then I found one who is also my friend in reality saying the transport hasn’t arrive so we decided to go take a bath with my transport mate while I was still applying my face mask on the transport mate was already in the bath tub and she made the water dirty so I couldn’t wash my face because I have a sensitive skin so I washed my face in the basin and when I was about to get in the bathtub my other transport mate came to join us she got in the water before me and I was shy to take off my clothes but they assured me that we are all girls so it’s okay then I got in the water that was already dirty when I got in some of the clothes fell in the water then we finished bathing we went to look for our transport then finally it arrived it was already dark outside

Dreamt of a couple engaging in sexual

Dreamt of a couple engaging in sexual activity which I joined them in. Then a Random bloody almost boney skinned lamb appeared and the woman from the couple gave the lamb my shirt to cover the lamb. The lamb refused to give the shirt back it was fighting the woman when she tried to get it My shirt had the words ‘death of dreams’ on it. Also I was in a store and a girl was record me with her camera when I confronted her it turned out she had photos of me on her phone that only I knew about they were on my phone how did she get them. Then a woman also accused me of having an affair with her husband because he also had photos of me on his phone and he had been going around saying I was having an affair with me even though I had never met this guy. I then had the lady delete all my photos.

Everything was fine and kind of bland

Everything was fine and kind of bland for the most part before there was one thingy about a story of a bulldog-lookin thing biting and eating(?) a bit of another smaller dog...like, the rest was fine; the section before it was involving a small urgent care-like place deciding what toys to donate or keep based on popular vote or somethin.