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My dream was about my friend, Harold

My dream was about my friend, Harold , and I. As I Remember it, we were swimming in his bathtub when Burneda walked in, carrying a tray of cookies. She offered us each one but I never got mine because before I could take one off the tray, Harold grabbed me by the waist and proceeded to do the Heimlich maneuver. It seemed like it went on for hours, but when it finally stopped, he began smoking a cigarette. I remember waking up, with no clothes on for some reason, and all the cookies were gone.

In my dream there was a young

In my dream there was a young woman who looked like me in old clothes from like 1864, and she looked at me and kept saying "Charlotte" over and over again. Then she started walking into the wood where we were to an area nwith what looks to be an old burned down building The she said "Help me and salem" over and over again until i woke up

Me and some friends were messing with

Me and some friends were messing with demons and we fell into a hole filled with pink fish and my mom kept saying not to touch fbe bottom or your feet will burn. We swam to shore and there was this path keeper lady who showed us where we were and we ended up at a theme park and peter pan was there only he was really gay. And then I got hired to decorate the rides and I had to go in the basement and I'm scared of basements and I had to set up this doll that looks like a cupcake and then my grandma and brother show up and take us on a ride with a boat and the boat tips and none of us can swim so my grandma pulls out those fake mermaid tails and they help us swim and we go to this hotel with my mom and dad and my grandma but the floor is all wet and those pink fish are there and there's a lot of teddy bears and my grandma keeps swearing. Then the cupcake doll chases us and we try to get home but we can't and then I wake up





I have a dream about 2 times

I have a dream about 2 times a year that i live in a old haunted house, the way the house looks never changes it’s a big white house with 2 stories and a basement and i've only been to the second floor and then one day it just burned down.

I dreamt I was in Yosemite and

I dreamt I was in Yosemite and I was with Caleb and Callie and other people and we were swimming. And I climbed the rocks and jumped over the waterfall. I was in a house with a lot of people and I got up to use the bathroom and someone whispered hello and I got scared. Then the next morning I told everyone and they heard it too. Then I was in a classroom and I kept seeing a back figure and it was trying to kill me and my sister. It came out and I attacked it but it wouldn’t die. Our teacher also lit us on fire but we didn’t get burned. Then they turned the lights off on us while there was a dance going on.

I broke out of prison with a

I broke out of prison with a woman. We rode a motorbike and she fell off and died. I had to climb pips but there was boiling water and it burned me. I climbed and found some hairclips and paperclips to pick the lock of the door