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I had a dream that my son

I had a dream that my son in law had died but he him self would not except his own death

I was at a cousins house on

I was at a cousins house on vacation. A person I know from work was there and suddenly stood up and faceplanted in to the wall. She started bleeding everywhere and was unconscious. We started CPR on her and she looked like she was near death. We brought her back but she said she wanted to go. We kept yelling at her to stay with us while we waited for help. Then I was in a guest bedroom and saw a figure in the closet. I turned on a light and it was a male mannequin dressed in a suit.

I ran into a rap producer i

I ran into a rap producer i dont like and when he reached his hand out to me to shake i grabbed it and pulled him closer and closer finally close enough to grab his second arm wrapped them around him and strangled him to death

I dreamed about my deacesed mother dying

I dreamed about my deacesed mother dying again in my dream , in my dream my sister comes in and we are not so concerned about our mum passing, and the feeling as almost like we did not care or if we are not chocked at all, and we are Always trying to not tell people that she passed, but it is Always my sister giving the idea of not telling yet , and its a recurring dream, i had the same dream ,the same sister coming in, same scenario ,and feeling, is more like no pain for our mothers death.