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My ex girlfriend worked in supermarket and

My ex girlfriend worked in supermarket and I went up to the till to buy cigarettes, I recognised her face but no chit chat was made. I asked for cigarettes and i gave her my money then she disappeared then came back and asked what can I get you, I said I had asked for cigarettes and paid and she had no memory of it so did it again and the same thing happened.

More than once, I get into my

More than once, I get into my car and an elderly man gets in the backseat. He gives me requests as if I am a taxi, “Grocery store, please” or “Home, thanks”. I am never afraid of him and he seems to trust me. I seem to have an understanding that he knows I am not a taxi but that he needs my help; it makes me feel good to assist him. He seems kind and wise. At one point, I am driving a car and pulling a motorcycle behind me/it. At one point, I pull over and am walking around the outside of the vehicle; aware of the attention the car and motorcycle seem to be attracting (they are lovely and expensive). I get into the car and the old man is now directly beside me and he needs to go to the grocery store. I pull away from the curb but realize I leave the motorcycle behind me. I fret about this and think about backing up; it is not appropriately or legally parked but I realize there is oncoming traffic behind me and I will have to leave it and return to it later. The car has changed to more of a frame of a car; with metal bars giving it shape but otherwise completely exposed to the outside. I seem to be having trouble steering and directing the car; I am not entirely out of control but I feel clumsy with it. I am embarrassed that I do not remember how to get to the store the old man wants to go to and I have to ask him to remind me of the way - - he tells me to make a right at the next light and I do; this seems to trigger my memory and I suddenly realize the direction/store where we are going. At one point, we get out of the car and are in an elevator together – I do not remember if we are going up or down – only that we are on our way to the store.

Im standing still im in the middle

Im standing still im in the middle of what seems to be like space but its complete white im wearing a black hooded cloak and seem to be rising with my arms spread i can see my face but part of it is in the shadow of my hood i seem to be eminating a glow of blue and it seems to be flowing in a pattern around me but its getting faster them i dissapear so does the blue aura then the scenery changes im now in the past of my life looking w\at a clouded memory but i still see me as the cloaked figure and i see bits and pieces of my family

I remember that my consciousness was behind

I remember that my consciousness was behind a flying airplane, and it was really close to the ground and I remember seeing it hit the ground and kind of bounce -- it was a rough landing. I then remember an old classmate of mine (a guy named Will -- our 3rd grade teacher made us sit together at one time because we were both stubborn bullheads that couldn't seem to get along) was asking another old classmate (named Mary that's best remembered by me as a thespian and who used to play with my hair when she sat behind me in class and would always tell me how pretty it was) about his wife in the dream, who (in the dream) was my best friend Amber (they are not even acquaintances in real life, he ended up actually marrying a girl a little younger than us named Amanda..lol) -- he was concerned that Amber didn't make it or was hurt. I told him she was fine and I was sure of this, even though I hadn't seen her. There were other old classmates of mine all around, it seemed like a reunion, even though I didn't talk to all of them. Everyone was just kind of congregating around waiting for others to show up so we could all collect ourselves and move on to an actual reunion. So... Will was concerned, Mary seemed a little distracted/forlorn and didn't really respond to him because I piped in with an answer, and there were a couple of others I remember more clearly than anyone else -- Derek and Jenna, high school sweethearts from my class that seemed very happy to be seeing everyone -- he is best remembered now as someone who ran for Mayor of our little town even though he was quite young, who is a preacher and Jenna best represents a Stepford wife to me -- someone who gives off an essence of everything being just fine and perfect... someone trying a little too hard to be a model wife and it being obvious. But she's actually very nice, despite not always putting her real self 'out there' and she seemed very happy and excited in the dream... Derek seems like such a serious person now, but I do have another memory of him from junior high -- he was my swing dance partner in music class, and I had a lot of fun dancing with him -- he really liked oldies music, so danced a naturally good jive. It was probably the most 'free' and 'open' I've ever witnessed of him...

A very realistic dream that even tho

A very realistic dream that even tho my son is now 14, I've been unable to shake from my memory. In the dream I had my son in the hospital, they kidnaped him, claiming he was dead. But, I could hear him crying and tho I was heavily drugged and everything was spinning, I found my way down dark hallways, staying hidden from others. I found my son in a basement that was pitch black. He was alone in a hospital baby bed, with a write spotlight on him. I could hear hospital staff and doctors whispering in nearby rooms and knew they m meant him harm. I took my son and was crouching and crawling thru the halls to keep from being seen. But they were looking for us. I was paying that they wouldn't find us.

I was sitting in a hospital office,

I was sitting in a hospital office, unaware how I had gotten there, with my friend, Angela, beside me. On the opposite side of the desk sat a nurse who was handing us papers, and asking for our signatures. She was talking for what seemed like a very long time, but her exact words escape my memory. After signing the papers, I leaned over the desk to hand them back to the nurse, but I could not reach her. After struggling for a bit, I decided to walk around the desk, but when I tried to stand, I noticed the bottom half of my leg was completely swollen and red. I then realized Angela’s leg looked the same and that we were both in wheelchairs. The nurse came and took the papers from me and then wheeled Angela and I down a long, dark hallway that appeared to be never ending, until we turned into a different room; it was extremely cold and had two small hospital beds. Angela and I laid down, both tremendously nervous. Angela was crying, but not myself. We ended up having surgery; they amputated each of our right legs, from the knee down, and reattached them to each other. The last thing I remember before waking up is Angela and I thanking the doctors nonstop for the surgery.

I was sitting in a hospital office,

I was sitting in a hospital office, unaware how I had gotten there, with my friend, Angela, beside me. On the opposite side of the desk sat a nurse who was handing us papers, and asking for our signatures. She was talking for what seemed like a very long time, but her exact words escape my memory. After signing the papers, the nurse walked Angela and I into a different room; it was extremely cold and had one queen sized hospital bed. Ang and I laid down, both tremendously nervous. Angela was crying, but not myself. We ended up having surgery; they amputated each of our right arms, from the elbow down, and reattached them to each other. The last thing I remember before waking up is Angela and I thanking the doctors nonstop for the surgery.