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Because of the flat photo, I first

Because of the flat photo, I first thought this bag was simply a picture of an Italian mosaic, printed on some sort of woven textile. Then I noticed the price – at nearly five grand, there had to be something else going on with this design, and sure enough, there is. Rather than just a flat print, the bag features an incredible amount of embroidery to render the image, plus a healthy smattering of jewels and crystals here and there. (It is Dolce & Gabbana, after all.) New Balance

I dreamt that I was in a

I dreamt that I was in a room with golden, shining bricks all around it. Also in this room, there was a rather large window that went down to the floor. And out this window, revealed the beautiful, blue sky and the bright sun. I wasn't sure where the window went down to, but I felt as if I was very much raised upon the ground, as if my golden-bricked chamber was part of a canyon. I was feeling very warm, almost hot, probably because of the sun's powerful light. And by this low window, I saw hair of my color (dark blond) by my feet. Then, I felt as if someone was pulling on my hair, and I tried to grasp the hair that was closer to my head so it wouldn't hurt as much. Next, someone was standing in the window. It was a boy that looked about eighteen years old. He had a very pale face and pale blue eyes. He had dark blonde hair like me (but it was short!). He smiled lovingly at me, and walked right up to me. He said "I love you. You mean the world to me." or something like that. The next minute, he took me into his arms and kissed me romantically on the lips. I was shocked at first, then I found myself putting my arms around him too, accepting his kiss. The kiss lasted for several minutes it seems. Then, he released his arms from me, and then, smiling brightly and lovingly at me again, he stepped away and descended from my room. I think that I was Rapunzel and that that boy was the Prince.

A sleeping python on the road. i

A sleeping python on the road. i am crossing by in a trishaw. I do not get down and run, rather push the trishaw to go faster.

My male friend and i seem really

My male friend and i seem really happy, in a relationship sense. its us against the world and we love each other so much. we laugh, feed each other, we are always holding each other, basically can't let each other go. however, in reality, he is just my friend. we have slept together three times.however every since i have known him for a year and a half, i have always had dreams of him, even when i sleep next to him even before we got intimate. i recently took a break from my relationship. my friend was partially the reason why but a lot had to do with figuring out what i want from a relationship. Even my friend and I have been intimate, we never agreed to dating but rather, being friends and a relationship could never happen. he has hurt me a couple of time's but he doesn't know that. Hence i stopped being intimate in any sense with him because i don't want to confuse myself again. he still wants me in his life, more like a friend and we joke about how is my side guy stuff but all he is interested in i think, is having sex without trying to persue commitment with me because i think he has intentions of going back to his ex girlfriend. please help.

I, along with specfic others, were told

I, along with specfic others, were told to paint the entire town yellow in preperation for a specific day. To paint the town we didn't have to use brushes or paint we just aimed our hands where we wanted the paint to go and it would paint that place yellow. We were given this power. However i could change the color from yellow to anything i wanted, and at times i could set my finger tips on fire rather that paint with them but i caused no harm to myself.The specfic day had come and i was painting my house amd i saw people in gas masks with axes walk by, at the time i though nothing of it. There was clock but all i knew was it was dark outside and my dad went to the car to grab my phone while i finshed painting. My mom frantically called me inside and rushed me to my room where two of my friends where hinding in my closet. I was extremly confused and my mom then took me to the garage and had me stare through a peep hole where i saw my dad lying face down on the cement of my drive way with an X carved into his head and an axe wound over it, he had been killed. My mom told me today was the day of mass killings and we went back to hide. I however did not want to hide. Something in my head told me today was my day to meet my destiny and i had to strangle ten people but i did not wish to harm people. my friend and i entered a door in my house and we exited onto a random street we were rushing towards my school and went through multiple obstacels and i was fearing for my life. We reached a door of my school and entered quickly, the entrance emitted light and i felt very strange and then i woke up.

I was strangling my ex-girlfriend with my

I was strangling my ex-girlfriend with my bare hands. The room was rather dark, when I was strangling, there were flashes of red and black cascading over her face.

People: Khadijah, Rich, Sean, Cinnamon, Pastor, Grandmother,

People: Khadijah, Rich, Sean, Cinnamon, Pastor, Grandmother, my kids It was like a concert or a play. We were trying to see for some reason the security staff was rather rude to us. We tried moving to another seat but they were not happy about us moving. Then the scene moved to a long table with Pastor talking. The table contained stuff / food on it. It was 3 peopel at the table. Then Pastor turned it over to 1 person to speak. Then his wife got up and spoke and said that we hope that you enjoy what we bought. I was so irritated because nobody could get to the food on the table. They would not move. Then I saw my grandmother and I felt peace. She did not say anything she was just there. I felt peace and nothing else

I got married. I was not happy

I got married. I was not happy about this. He was not happy. It seemed to be something we had to do rather than wanted to do. Whispered conversations between us going this is for the best and it'll work out ok.

I walked into H’s classroom. I was

I walked into H’s classroom. I was wearing jeans, and a black sweater with a zip at the top. I walked across the front of the room and then to the back right corner. I thought I saw an open seat near Pig, but as I drew nearer I noticed an article of clothing on that seat. It was taken. I then went over to the back left corner of the room, and there I found a seat. It was near Bottle Cap Guy. I talked to him a bit, but about what I can’t recall. I had a black binder on the floor. Pig sat on that binder. I said timidly, "Pig, you're sitting on my binder. That's not good." I asked her to get off it. She obliged. Later, I left the room and headed down the hall to where the stairs are – the ones that lead down to the woodshop hall. They were much larger than they are in real life, and slightly curved. Pig was coming up those stairs toward me, holding a baby. The baby looked...pristine? Pig didn't pay me much attention as she passed. After Pig, I then had to wait for a class of little kids as they made their way up the middle of the stairs. There was another class waiting to go up, but I set off down the stairs before they started up. As I went down, I saw an old man struggling mightily along the rails to get up the stairs, about 10-15 steps from the top. I debated whether I should help him, and decided he would be fine, so I continued on. There was a teacher at the bottom next to the kids, looking at me strangely. Judging me, perhaps. At the bottom of the stairs, I found myself in a sort of "Dream" Vegas. I had a sunken feeling. I was so far from getting there, and it really sunk in then. I felt depressed as I meandered around this basement casino. I thought of what it would be like to do an interview about poker. "We" was a word I imagined using in the interview...Referring to "we poker players", probably. I thought about speaking strongly rather than timidly – of being a strong character rather than a weak and pathetic one.