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I’m washing dishes. There are so many

I’m washing dishes. There are so many dishes. And they fall into the water and splash me. I’m soaked. I put them back on the shelf above the sink and continue to wash dishes. It’s like there’s more and more and more. They keep falling into the water. There’s an older couple that show up and they start doing chores together. I watch them and it’s like a dance. It’s graceful and they clean in no time together. And I’m still at the sink doing the dishes that never end. I’m in a church. In a very back pew. I’m not a member of this church. Everyone is standing up for communion and they head downstairs for communion and come back up. I couldn’t watch the communion like at other churches. And I have to let people by just like a Catholic Church as they pile out. I see some friends and walk to the house across the road from the church. It’s Michelle’s moms house. Place that is so old and in ruins. A little fuzzy in the middle But some guy says Blake is engaged. I think he’s suggesting Blake is engaged to him. The girl I’m with I’m like… is Blake engaged? And she says yes. I see Blake and go sit next to him. I said I hear you’re engaged. He says yes. I said congratulations. Then I say looks like you’ve proposed to everyone, everyone I’ve talked to says you proposed to them. He laughs and he’s engaged to a girl. I wanted to see her photo but didn’t ask. I didn’t ask because I realized it was because id compare her to myself and didn’t think that was fair. I asked him if he could afford a wife. The other friend says well he has a car payment now. And I thought that might even make things worse. He said yes I’m good. But the house he was living in didn’t belong to him and he couldn’t afford a house payment. He was unhappy with me. So I’m like I’ll go back to the church. There’s a pair of skates or a bicycle that I could take back to the church. He says you could take back both. And I asked how. And he says duh. You take the skates and then come back and take the bike. I looked at him and said I’m not doing that. I’ll take one. Not both. He’s saying goodbye to me and he puts his face in my breast and rubs his face back and forth. When I look down he’s moved his head to the side. Our friend noticed

I dreamt that at home there is

I dreamt that at home there is mourning,but there was a guy who was coming at home tellìng us that the sun is coming down from heave n and that a lot of people are dying by overseas.At the mourning ceremony there was a radio reporting the same information that the is coming down more close nearer to earth and a lot of people die mostly the white people in overseas.But the morning at home is for my brother in law family.I saw that my brother's law has two mournings.One mourning at our place and another mourning to my brother's home.When the meeting ceremony was off we found our brother's law in his car on the main road carrying a lot people's at the back.

Word. Thoughts feel free, but flooded. I

Word. Thoughts feel free, but flooded. I have drive, but the road is foggy. My Siblings. My Mother. My Name. My Heart. My Past. Owl. Video Games. Music. Transparency. Celestial. Hope. Dream. 10. Thor

Had a dream that I was hanging

Had a dream that I was hanging with Dustin and some chick and we almost ran over some kid like three times cause we were on some kinda scooter and we started arguing with his mom and she goes "he's deaf he can't hear you" and I said "if he's deaf he shouldn't be on the road" then her dog bit Dustin and I woke up

I dreamt of taking a long long

I dreamt of taking a long long walk along the road that seem to go on for ever and at the end though I spoke to an elephant