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Jason and i are living at my

Jason and i are living at my grandmas or we'll be moving in shortly. I guess he got this girl pregnant in a one night stand and she's there cause she's due soon. So I'm talking to Jason about it not being his and he wants to be there so he can get a paternity test as soon as possible. So she goes into labor and he takes hee to the car and and tells me to grab Gatorade and stuff for him. Well first he hands her to me to help her out the door while he was grabbing stuff. So i tell him to come take her cause I'm not strong enough to help her down the stairs. Then he tells me to get Gatorade and stuff. So i run upstairs to grab my purse and water bottle cause i don't like going anywhere without them. I go back downstairs to look for Jason's drink, but can't find it. Once i get in the car the girl is yelling at him about the position they're both in. I yell at her saying not to talk to him that way cause he's helping her out. Then he leans over to give her a kiss and I'm confused as to why. He tells me of course its his kid and that he loves her. She looks back to me and asks why do you think Jason always leaves the Windows open whenever he is home and she laughs. At this point I'm panicking cause i can't get out of the car. Then we pull up to this high tech psych ward where they aren't regulated and they go by anyone's word. As we're pulling in they tell me they just strung me along until Jason and i moved in to my grandmas. She puts on a pearl necklace 'a gift from her.' And they make up this story about me needing to be in there. Once I'm in i immediately try to get out, but security stops me. Eventually i find friends there who are also trying to get out. We start using air vents and service tunnels. We almost get caught twice. I dont really remember the first time, but the second time we are trying to get into a service area and i have the covering off when a man in a suit comes around rhe corner and tries to stop us. I use a piece of the covering to knock him out. Then another guy comes around grabbing for us when a third guy knocks him out. He says hes gonna help us get out because he knows how crooked this place is.Towards the end of the dream that service man helping us found a way to change our identities in order to get out. So its us four girls locked in this sauna bathroom and we start to change what we look like. Before we can change the guy tells us his father is making the rounds that night so we have to be extra careful. We all go into the huge shawer and turn the steam all the way up. When he gets there to check over the place, looking for us, my friend talks to him throigg the door about us all being in there and to not come in. Yoy can see over the top. So im hiding my face as best as possible. Then all of a sudden the guy comes in and starts to attack my othee two friends like sexually. Idk why but then all of a sudden hes gone and we start to changw. We use this soap that transforms our whole body. We basically become albino. Once we all change we talk to people about our new names and stuff. That's where i woke up.

I was job hunting and almost got

I was job hunting and almost got hit by a truck. I went to a Chinese restaurant. When I was going home i mmeet upon a crowd. Out of nowhere a man rape me then someone shot him but he was strong and chase after me with a big log for talking. I ran around the corner. then i saw myself beaten in a pool of blood calling out for someone to call 911

The guy I'm in love with was

The guy I'm in love with was really sweet to me and another girl liked him but he payed her no attention, he kept ignoring her and focusing on me , he laughed hard when I laughed, he guided me when we walked with his arms holding my waist and than he gently pushed my front side up against the wall and we we just stood there for a minute and I had the strongest butterflies I've ever felt because this is the first time I'd felt intimate contact with a person I actually liked, despite it being a dream

My husband and I were at my

My husband and I were at my parents place. There must have been a flood or bad rainstorm because the property across the street was flooded over 8ft on front yard. The house wasn't there, just the front yard. My husband decided he wanted to go swimming. He's a strong swimmer. So he and I went swimming in the front yard. I got tired after awhile so went back to my parents while my husband continue to swim. Next thing I knew my husband's sister was on one of those floating rings in the water. She looked younger than she actually is. She looked like a teenager, but in reality she is actually in her early 40s. She was wearing a flower print bikini. My husband was wearing red swim shorts, no shirt. After awhile my husband went under the water and didn't come up. My sister in law came swimming to us and told us he was gone and she couldn't find him. We all jumped in the water screaming for him. They told me to wait at my parents house. Eventually firefighters came and someone found him (but in my dream I didn't see any of that, just heard it). Someone told me that he was dead. I started screaming and screaming noooooo. I then woke up.

Située en ile de france (75, 91,

Située en ile de france (75, 91, 92, 93, 94 et 95), la société de plomberie serurerie est à votre écoute pour tous vos travaux en matière de plomberie et chauffage, mais aussi d'énergies renouvelables et de salles de bain. Créée en 1949, l'entreprise de plombeier a paris serurerie fait depuis longtemps preuve de sérieux et de réactivité. Notre équipe de plombiers et chauffagistes qualifiés vous offrent une qualité de travail inégalable. Nos équipes de professionnels se déplacent 7 jours sur 7 en ile de france... La prise de contact est rapide et nos devis sont gratuits. Nous répondons à toutes vos demandes de travaux, passant du simple dépannage en plomberie ou chauffage, à l'installation de sanitaires ou à la pose de panneaux solaires ou de salle de bain, jusqu'au ramonage de votre cheminée. Nos plombiers chauffagistes sauront vous conseiller dans le choix des meilleurs équipements et mettront tout en œuvre pour vous satisfaire dans les plus brefs délais. Nos certifications Partenaire Dolce Vita de Gaz de France et Professionnel du Gaz vous garantissent le professionnalisme de notre équipe de plombiers chauffagistes, des installateurs de confiance qui suivent une charte et applique un référentiel technique, engagés dans l'efficacité énergétique. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toutes demandes de renseignements, nous répondrons en détail à vos questions. Un devis précis sera établi avant toute intervention.

I was in my old highschool and

I was in my old highschool and the only older figures where my football coaches. I was crying uncontrollably on my drive home because I had just graduated and did not want it all to end. I also had strong emotional grief over not being with the girl I love anymore.

Befor I fell asleep i was cuddling

Befor I fell asleep i was cuddling with my new bf after we I just had sex for the first time. I was at the park with my kids and this girl named saying was talking about my ex fling who I haven't seen in a month. I told her that I knew him. I was just seeing him for a few months. She kept talking about how big his penis was and how much she likes him. I laughed at her and told her good luck. He will be around until you get feelings for him and then he will run. I told her that's what he did to me. He spent a wonderful weekend with me and the next day sent me a message saying that he is that way because he's so scared of getting his heart broken so as soon as he gets strong feelings for someone he blocks them and changes his number. But I told her how he still asks people about me. Roy showed up then and started freaking out because I told her about us and then I woke up and was still in my new bfs arma

In the dream my boyfriend and father

In the dream my boyfriend and father of my daughter Was cheating with his ex mistress from a previous marriage in our apt. I walked home put key in the door and they were there in the kitchen standing. I feel that they are together and this is their moment to tell me. I'm feel so confused hurt angry betrayed. I grab and pull her hair. I tell her to get out of my apt. My boyfriend doesnt do anything or say anything. I throw her out. It felt so real and I felt so strongly in the dream that they are together. What does this dream mean?

: I was in a hurry as

: I was in a hurry as I knew we urgently had to board d ship as it was leaving d shipping yard. It was huge...mega ship. So I had no option but papa n I had to jump onto it n slid down. I saw my suitcase landed safely n felt relieved. Then we went inside to what looked like a gateway or processing place to get registered. Many people were there. Next thing I knew, the owner of the ship called me n invited me to dinner. I was dressed nicely n made my way to the dining area. D owner it seemed was waiting outside for me. I was surprised by d classy ambiance inside as the ship looked like a war submarine on d outside. I sat down n ate. My glass had lemon juice. Den a small bottle (may b a quarter) of vodka was brought to me n I poured it into my glass all d way full. I think Kyntiew (a friend of Vanessa) was there too...i am not sure. Then I realized that I was being paid special attention to n felt a bit embarrassed. I even felt so strongly even in d dream that I had such favor with d owner.

Walking thru a long narrow dark pathway

Walking thru a long narrow dark pathway between 2 buildings with my 1 year old grandson and a man comes behind me puts strong hand on my shoulder and pulls my hair