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Mice I dreamt I had little mice

Mice I dreamt I had little mice and kittens on my lower back scrambling or scratcing my back with their little claws and I imagined that they were nibbling into my lower back. I saw my husband somewhere in the picture but cant remember exactly what he was doing, nor my self but I couldn't move as such (in my dream) woke up screaming" help me" with my hands reaching out and my youngest son came running in to me and said mum are you okay?

I was in a forest , which

I was in a forest , which I recognised as it is local but it looked different. It was more swamp like , a bog even. I was walking through it looking for someone then I heard screaming , howls of agony , a man by the sounds of it. So I went further to investigate. When I saw two figures , a man huddled down on his knees , screaming in pain with blood seeping down his face. And the dark outline of a man , seemingly made out of darkness. He had his hand scraping away into this man`s head. Upon seeing me , he stabbed him in the head with what I think were claws , killing him. He dropped the body to the floor and stood and stared at me with dark red eyes. He opened his mouth and sharp , white teeth smirked at me. I ran , terrified but it was difficult as the ground all of a sudden had become marsh-like , flooded. As I ran I felt a something grab my leg and I fell down to see a pale hand clinging onto my leg from the murky water. I screamed and tried to escape , but all I could see was the dark figure slowly walking towards me.

As i was walking down an allyway

As i was walking down an allyway I had to sidestep writhing snakes which had been clawed or stabbed I had the feeling they had been peirced by birds talons , as I walked further down the allyway there was cattle in my way . The cattle had all had there ankles slashed . as I appraoched on of the cattle it ran at me and and lifted me off my feet and slammed me into a wall . I woke up then what does this drea

Beware the jabberwock my son! the jaws

Beware the jabberwock my son! the jaws that bite the claws that catch! beware the jubjub bird and shun the frumious bandersnatch. he took the vorpal sword in hand. long time the manxome foe he sought. so rested he by the tumtum tree and stood awhile in thought. and as in uffish thought he stood, the jabberwock, with eyes of flame, came whiffling through the tulgey wood, and burbled as it came. one, two! one, two! and through and through the vorpal blade went snicker-snack! he left it dead, with its head he went back galumphing back. and has thou slain the jabberwock? come to my arms, my beamish boy! Oh frabious day!

I was walking through this old ladies

I was walking through this old ladies house and she had lots of cats. When they saw me they began to hiss. I attempted to knock them away. Two had put their cat claws in my legs. one of the right and one on the left. I had to be very still because I was afraid.