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It was 1999 I looked out side

It was 1999 I looked out side my kitchen window, there was a car park, it was full of Muslim woman praying, they were facing west, I ran from my house past the woman in to a hall were the minister for immigration KIM BEASLEY was, I said can you see that in the car park, he looked over while shoving seafood in to his mouth shrugging his shoulders. I got up set and left that place and went to go home, I walked past the woman praying to the west, one looked up at me then they all did, then they stood up thousands of them, and they chased me, I was running away and they slowly methodically followed me like a slow moving mud avalanche, I run in to my home but the weight of the woman marching froward smashed my house down, I had to run and run, I had no home and it was hard to hide because they were every where. They were not aggressive in a fighting way, but determined to smash my home my life every thing....,

I wake and look at the alarm.The

I wake and look at the alarm.The time 3:44.The numbers go from flat lcd to three d tubular.The rest of the clock radio disappears.A woman's legs appear floral dress cut below the knees.The numbers located between the legs at ankle hieight.Saw this for a few seconds before fading back to the clock radio again.The time was the time though in the afternoon of the death of a child of a very special person whom I am involved with again who died in 1998.

In my dreams I am pregnant and

In my dreams I am pregnant and go in to labor and I didn't know who the father was. But in real life I had a one night stand in march and got scared since my period was late so I had a home test and it was negative but I only new his first name and didn't even know if it was his real name . I am also going to be thirty eight years old this August on the twenty fifth and going to be too old to have kids pretty soon and have been wanting too have a couple kids in this life before its too late.

Me and my friends were at like

Me and my friends were at like this large mall/building/convention/place. IDK it was more like a mall. And I was buying a new wig and I had a tough time pulling out my money. I pulled out half of the amount I needed. It was four dollars but I needed eight. Me and my friends were laughing because I was being slow. Earlier there was an announcement that somebody got murdered. Everyone was in remorse. But when I was putting my money up a lady burst in and started yelling. She said to stay calm but the murders were on the same floor we were. I dropped my wig and money and ran up the stairwell with my dad. We hid in the rows of a movie theater. He wanted to go in the back while I wanted to go in the middle. When he was going to the back there was this one Natsu cosplayer who mumbled that he was one of the killers. He was in the middle of the theater, really close to me and he had a long gun. I yelled at my dad to come with me. A few other people heard so they scattered as well. I ran up and down the stares wandering around and I lost my dad. That thought pondered in my head but I didn't do anything. I went to a stairwell which took me down. It was most empty. I passed a guy who has harassed me in the past so I just glared at him. I ended up passing the murders. Apparently there was more than one and this time it was a girl. There were five. There were five ropes leading down a hole. I made it outside and it was night time. I was jumping off of things and running. There were people on patrol but everybody seemed as dead as zombies. People on bikes, people on foot, people anywhere. They were trying to catch people who were living and especially me. Before I woke up I saw a blank grey face, for some reason i want to say she was female. She had children on chains and collars. They were following her in a sloppy line which was supposed to be straight. They were chanting, "this is why you never go outside" and a few people on bikes saw me and froze and then peddled after me. they were grey as well. everyone's skin was grey except for mine.

I was getting in trouble in the

I was getting in trouble in the principals office and my crush and his friend start singing with a mic taking the attention off of me. I didn't get into trouble. Then I went into my class and my crush was playing the piano. He came to my seat and asked if I was only in grade eight. I said yes. He started panicking. I started to cry and fell on the floor. I said "you don't like me no more?". Then he sat next to me and started to laugh. He said that he was joking and he kissed me.