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I was in a zoo's reptile exhibit

I was in a zoo's reptile exhibit and I had collected something from one of the animals. As I did this some got onto my finger and as I was going to go wash it off I looked down and my finger was gone.

I dreamed i was doing something in

I dreamed i was doing something in the kitchen and my daughter came and i got distracted and the knife fell out of my hand and sliced me between my finger. it stared bleeding and the knife dropped and i held the cut with my other hand.

I was going on a journey; to

I was going on a journey; to where I don’t know, and found myself at the airport. Just before I presented myself to the check-in desk I felt an annoying lump on the bridge my nose; slightly to the left hand side... like a plook. So I trudged off to the nearest mirror for a look, and discovered the shocking truth. This was no pimple, zit, spot or suppuration of pus that had grown like a mountain to the surface of my skin. Nor was this a teenage bout of acne waiting to be compressed between my pinched thumb and forefinger, exuding a lava that resembled the contents of a squeezy bottle of mustard. But what was it? I had to look closer..... A miniature flower had taken root and bloomed through the surface of my earthly pore. Like a daisy gently bristling in a grassy meddow, the pollen scented aroma of summer surrounded by silken petals bloomed in colour and vibrancy. I began to pick off the petals one by one only to find hidden under each an angry wasp buzzing with rage and torment, including the Queen who sat under the petal at the top of the flower pointing north at 12 o’clock. For fear of being stung I couldn’t touch anymore and had to leave any future ‘weeding’ until after my flight. As my flight landed I found myself in Windsor and a new job. I was working for another Queen, this time Elisabeth I of Scotland and II of England. My job was to help with the smooth running of the upcoming Royal Wedding of Harry and Meghan. The job didn’t last and I soon found myself unemployed. Handing back in my Royal page-boy type uniform, consisting of plus fours, white tights, buckled shoes and a thrilly laced shirt, I returned to Mexico. Dejected, starving and struggling for cash I decided, upon advice from a friend, to become self-employed and was soon earning a pittance gift wrapping souvenirs purchased by tourists for their loved ones at home. It wasn’t enough though and my meagre earnings barely stretched to buying a plate of taco soup, rice and beans. But In a weird twist of fate my dream morphed into a strange success story – like the American dream I tweaked my business and moved it lock, stock and two smoking barrels to a gay nightclub. I was now offering a naked gift wrapping service and was rolling in the money.

I was cutting my fingernails and i

I was cutting my fingernails and i suddenly say that my left thumb fingernail has grown much more than i expected . when i see that closely i saw that it has two parts and i removed the bigger part, then it needn't to be trimmed and appeared normal

I was travelling going to Rome in

I was travelling going to Rome in 1970's saw some Ancient Greek scriptures everyone, a lot of scattered diamond earrings. One child kept on putting needles on the fingers and inserting the diamonds like earrings then it pains me. In my dream, I can see a lot of past events, people who were dead and I can read and interpret what I'm seeing as well. I saw a past boyfriend who really meant so special to me hugging me and then gone. Then I rescued a child who's supposed to be sold over the internet for some paedophiles.