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I'm Transforming into a small creature but

I'm Transforming into a small creature but i don't what i'm turning into.The only Thing I know is That This New Body is a lot Stronger than what i am now.It has more confidence.It Has More agility,Stamina,and Speed.It has a Long fluffy tail and long ears that are drooped down. Genitalia are completely covered up by a special flap of skin but they are still there.It's Just in a pocket made of my own flesh.I only have eight fingers and six toes Altogether including opposable thumbs.The Dream end before the Transformation Completes itself.

I'm Transforming into a small creature but

I'm Transforming into a small creature but i don't what i'm turning into.The only Thing I know is That This Form of mine is a lot Stronger than what i am now.It has more confidence.It Has More agility,Stamina,and Speed.It has a Long fluffy tail and long ears that are drooped down. Genitalia are completely covered up by a special flap of skin but they are still there.It's Just in a pocket made of my own flesh.I only have eight fingers and six toes Altogether including opposable thumbs.The Dream end before the Transformation Completes itself.

I was in school. College perhaps, because

I was in school. College perhaps, because I recall being able to call the teacher "professor." I think, even, that the teacher in question was one of my teachers from college. Liz, we called her. Her first name was Elizabeth. I can't even remember what her formal 'teacher name' would be. She was always just Liz. My class and I had a project to do. A last-minute, end of the year project that was thrown together due to poor planning on the professor's part. I had to go to a particularly large classroom - literally quite grandiose, with stacks of bookshelves for some reason lining the walls - and I had to put on a performance for a class of younger students. We were tasked with performing Star Wars - just the first movie, Darth Vader and all that noise. But we had no costumes. Nor did we have any preparation. We had to do it right then. The only costumes we could find were (and this may be dangerous to say around these parts)... animal costumes. Fur suits. All I can remember was being mad. That wasn't what I signed up for. I was failed by the educational system. Failed by my professor. I remember yelling about it, making a scene, in front of the audience, about how much of an utter disgrace the whole thing was.

I woke up in a hospital room

I woke up in a hospital room with my gown still on and ivy s stuck to my arms. on one arm there were one or two and on the other there were two. i looked around the room to try to understand how i got there. i riped out my ivys and went to the door way of my room. there was no door on the door way to my room. i looked down the hall way from right to left. the hallway was quiet and still no one was in the hallway. so i went left and began to walk down the hallway finally i came to my stopping point i seen a waiting room with exit doors in the back with two lady nurses guarding them. my ex. boyfriend was there standing next to the window facing me. my step-dad was there and so was my mom when i walked up to the room i put my left hand on the corner part of the wall my mom was facing the exit doors talking to my dad which was turned facing her. my ex. looked up at me and then my dad stopped his conversation with my mom and looked at me. at this point i can see myself feel scared nervous and embarrassed my eyes look tired my skin is very pale i look sick very ill. mom turns around and i see her face. she starts to tear up with a feeling of joy. as she starts to walk my way she takes three steps and and brings up her arms to hand me something. i look down and noticed it was a baby girl wrapped up in a blanket she looked calm and so sweet. then my mom said to me take her. shes yours. i got scared my heart felt like it dropped to my stomach. i felt tears forming in my eyes. i looked at my mom and shook my head no and took three steps backwards. heart racing pounding. i can feel the blood pumping in my veins. i look over at the nurses in the back and run for the exit doors the nurses try to hold me down. but they are to week don't work so out of no were a male nurse runs over and pulls me and pushes me on the ground. i start to tear up so much its way to blurry and i wake up

I was serving a subpeona on someone

I was serving a subpeona on someone late at night. When I was done I was walking down a dark street to my car. When I came upon some mexicans stealing vehicles. I put my head down to show that I did not want trouble and did not see anything. They chased me and cut my mought wide open and my ankle. I found a house that had co-workers in it. But they were my family members. The bad men circled the house as I hid. My family called the cops. The next thing I know, I am spitting out white solid stuff from my mouth, it just keeps forming and I keep spitting it out. Then I am talking to an attorney about everything and I wake up.

I was in a house mine I

I was in a house mine I would assume but I had never seen it before yet I have but the look of it was different. I didn't recognize the neighborhood yet I did but it was different as well. It was raining a lot and then it began to flood but no water ever entered the house. I was with a friend and I was staring outside of the front door that was wide open and the glass screen door was the only thing separating the water from coming inside. I looked outside and saw something forming in the water and called to my friend and pointed it out to her, we stepped outside on to the porch and we took a better look, it was Poseidon the god of the ocean. In unison we said his name and he laughed with a smile and said It is I. Then said there is one more thing I need to do before I clear everyone out. I asked What is thy will sir? He then disappeared and it stopped raining. Everyone ran outside and rejoiced but then suddenly it began raining again only harder and it flooded again only the height of the water grew reaching well over 6 feet. I watched as the water grew and grew, I walked to the back room and saw the patio doors open and wanted to close them but couldn't because I saw a dorsal fin that looked like a shark but it was still and not moving. I looked to the patio door that was open and saw more dorsal fins that looked like sharks and ran out closing a door behind me. I looked towards the front door that was still wide open and saw dozens of sharks. I screamed for my sister and told her what I saw but didn't get a chance to see anything else because I woke up.

I am running away from bad people

I am running away from bad people in my dream. I am trying to gather my three cats but as soon as I gather the last one, the first cat disappears. I become upset with my husband.Then I am performing with a gown on trying to fix my hair but it will not get out of its bun. I'm being rushed to do my makeup in a mall bathroom. Then I am in a cafeteria line to get chocolate cakes. Afterward, a group of us go into a spacecraft and take off into the unknown.

I was performing on stage, my old

I was performing on stage, my old best friend and her family were there, my boyfriend and his family were there. the show was going well. during intermission, i went to Illinois to eat with my other old best friend and her family, who moved to Mississippi.

I was an exorcist. I stumbled upon

I was an exorcist. I stumbled upon a case about a little girl. She was sick. I believe it was cancer. Her family had contacted me about performing an exorcism on her because of her strange behavior at nights. To go perform the exorcism we had to travel to a different dimension to get to the little girl and her family. The machine we used to travel was a very strange and complicated piece of machinery. So when I started the exorcism the bald-headed little girl stood up, walked over towards me and, started talking in a deep voice. She said that I couldn't help her and more negative stuff. I lost control and told the demonic presence inside of her to leave in the name of Christ.