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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

It was very long, I was a

It was very long, I was a part of a sort of wedding or celebration. But then me and my friends were no longer welcome. An older man, around his 50’s, was helping me. He was charming and showing me around the mansion as he was helping me escape. But there were large glass windows everywhere so outside guests saw us. I was in a white gown and he told me to run. As I was running down the stairs a strange man grabbed my arm and I couldn’t fight him off until my friends came back and helped me. I under up gagging him until he let go. Me and four other girls escaped the house and the police were waiting outside. Then we heard singing, and we knew the song and began running to a shire that was designed for Hecate. We had to stop the water flow by blocking it with rocks to be able to hear her speak. Then the whole shrine was filled with all sorts of people and hecate was talking to them. There was no physical figure, just a voice. And then I said I wanted the girls from the house to go up as a group and speak to her. We went up, holding hands, and each girl was given a symbol. One girl was the moon, one the sun, and earth. And another one was light or something. But I wasn’t given a symbol. I was told there was none left. I was devastated. I was a part of the traumatic experience that the other girls in the house were a part of, but I was not talked to. The crowd began shouting, wolf , wolf , wolf! As if telling Hecate that there was one more symbol to give and that wolf could be given to me. But she disagreed and I stepped off the shrine. I woke up with tears in my eyes.

I entered a room full of people.

I entered a room full of people. I did not know some of the people, while the rest of the people were friends of mine. Most of them I do not really talk to anymore. A very close friend of mine was also here. I thought of to be strange because he lives all the way up in Maine. I remember, as I entered the room I was upset or sad about something. I was going around the room and talking to people. Then, I see this woman/girl. She shorter and than me and her head was about chest level. She also has brown hair. She smiles at me and I smile back at her. We walk up to each other and then we hug. After the hug everything goes black and I do not remember the girls face.

I am outside on the street and

I am outside on the street and see a young handsome boy with dark brownish hair and his skin is light brown. He looks like Middle Eastern boys. He is four years old, I know. He is with two other girls which are his sisters. One of them is six years old, the other I think she is smaller. I ask the boy: "What is your name?" He answers: "Ibrahim" I ask him if he want to come with me so I can take care of him and he directly comes with me.

I am outside on the street and

I am outside on the street and see a young handsome boy with dark brownish hair and his skin is light brown. He looks like Middle Eastern boys. He is 4 years old, I know. He is with two other girls which are his sisters. One of them is 6 years old, the other I think she is smaller. I ask the boy: "What is your name?" He answers: "Ibrahim" I ask him if he want to come with me so I can take care of him and he directly comes with me.

Chele was showing me these schools the

Chele was showing me these schools the girls were going to but she had a helicopter and everything was so far. She made me ride on the outside and I was so tired holding on. just kept asking me if I was going to do this or that but never slowed down to let me off. Her friend Molly was going to sell her some van and they were talking about how it was built for sex. Molly was talking about Tony and scooter fukn her at the same time all over town in it. Chele wouldn't listen to me that I couldn't hang on anymore. I let go and fell. I was crying and she never stopped or slowed down and I died.

I was in a house similar to

I was in a house similar to my grat, great grandmother's, but it wasn't quite her house. Everything was dark and the lights were very dim. There were two men who locked the door to the house and declared it as their own while I was hiding in another room that was a lot darker. Eventually, a few people came and the two men were arrested, but for some reason the men envoked great fear in me. I remember at one point being in the bathroom, but I don't remember anything other than it was important. Next, the dream seemed to change into me and two other girls being chased by Jeremiah Valeska. There was a part where the two girls were laying vertically underneath two seperate cars, and I was horizontal between the two cars, but for some reason he didn't see me. Eventually in the dream, I was back to the house, but it was more like a maze now. Jeremiah had the mannerisms of his twin, Jerome Valeska, and it put me on edge for some reason. I can't remember much more of the dream.

There was a small flood only about

There was a small flood only about waist Hight and my phone had gotten wet so I went over to my friends house to get a towel and his girlfriend was there and she hated me and wanted me gone so I had to leave after drying my phone then on my way out of his house another girl showed up and stared at me with hate and then my friend walked out and gave me a tight loving hug and the girls face had turned from hate to disgust and then I woke up.