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I dreamed my husband got someone else

I dreamed my husband got someone else pregnant he was mad that i was leaving him he was trying to trick me into staying he was also angry that she tole me no one wanted the baby but the mother or mistress my mother- in- law was angry i was glad to be leaving him i wanted a divorce in the dream

I was running with a few of

I was running with a few of my friends in a train station because an assasin was after one of my friends but eventually we were cornered and when he was about to kill her I started fighting for her with two swords gladiator style, but halfway through I stopped fighting I told this assassin if I beat him then he has to go out on a date with me (I'm a guy by the way) and he said yes we continued but a tiger appeared and the dream ended

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that dmreas are rare. I seldom think about my dmreas being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I\'m glad that God can speak/communicate through dmreas because it may be the only way I can\'t mess it up. I think

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that dmreas are rare. I seldom think about my dmreas being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I'm glad that God can speak/communicate through dmreas because it may be the only way I can't mess it up. I think

I felt light, like a balloon, bouncing

I felt light, like a balloon, bouncing on my feet. I saw two security guards running up the stairs and passed by me. I was glad that I escaped with a blue container in my hands.

I dreamed my husband got someone else

I dreamed my husband got someone else pregnant. He was mad that I was leaving him. He was trying to trick me into staying. He was also angry that she tole me. No one wanted the baby but the mother or mistress. My mother- in- law was angry. I was glad to be leaving him. I wanted a divorce in the dream

I dreamed my husband got someone else

I dreamed my husband got someone else pregnant. He was mad that I was leaving him. He was trying to trick me into staying. He was also angry that she tole me. No one wanted the baby but the mother or mistress. My mother in law was angry. I was glad to be leaving him. I wanted a divorce in the dream

I dreamed my husband got someone else

I dreamed my husband got someone else pregnant. He was mad that I was leaving him. He was trying to trick me into staying. He was also angry that she tole me. No one wanted the baby but the mother or mistress. My mother in law was angry. I was glad to be leaving him.

Please help me understand my dream today

Please help me understand my dream today i had a dream that i was stuck in a field with lots of people my age i am eighteen years old. I was trying to make friends at this field but everyone was ignoring me i wasnt getting along with anybody no matter how much I tryed. I wanted to escape this field and i say this building across two fields i ran striaght to it. All of a sudden the scence changed and there were lots of people and i saw my friend boy was i glad to see him. He told me that there is no way to escape and that he already tried i didnt wanna believe him for after a few hours we gave up and there was a door that said ( go back to the field ) so i went through that door and there was a flash and i ended up on the field again. Its like nothing happened so here i was trying to talk to these three girls and they were throughing dirty looks at me i asked what what there probem. They said they didnt have a problem and just didnt wanna be friends like i wasnt good enough for them or something and they said a few more things which got me mad. So i walked a few steps away from there and made sure they were looking at me and i pulled out a knife and gave them an evil eye. They had a blank look on there face. I ran to the building for the second time. This time the inside was different it was an adult school for students that were the ages between 23 and 25 years old. Everyone looked at me cause i was the youngest one i am really 18. and im 18 in my dream aswell al of the teachers were the same like they were clones or something and they were different classrooms but same teachers I found that kind of wierd. All of a sudden a teacher called someone saying shes here. The princable showed up and asked me why am i here and that im not welcome in this school and asked me if i knew why i was arrested.. I answered no i was confused she kinda looked at me with a grine. All of a sudden i appered in a different place and the princable said you have one chance to escape time is ticking. I was in this really old house where i can understand cats and he was my key to servival like guidence and i had to go underwater to look for three keys to unlock a door. I had to hurry before this evil witch came after me cause she knew that i was escaping from her world where i was stuck at. The cat helped me hide and everything and thats when i woke up, I realized when the woman said that i was arrested .. It was a Jevenial sort of thing.. I just dont know why i would end up in the same place over and over again i found that wierd its like im stuck and cant escape does this mean anything is it good or bad ? im a little worried cause i dont know what this means or if it means anything..