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Driving home from Cleveland (Where my Grandmother

Driving home from Cleveland (Where my Grandmother lives) I notice a tall blue flame in my mirror so I stop the vehicle and get out to see what it is. Just as I step out a large explosion and the vehicle of someone else flies past me on fire with the occupants trapped inside. Upon noticing a group of people on the other side of the highway, I run over to them to ask if they know what is happening to which they responded that the did not. A short while later an older professional looking woman tells us that a crazed man with several hundred pounds of volitale chemicals has detonated his vehicle at the state line and there is an ungodly number of people dead or dying and that the military and police are traveling down the road performing mercy killings. I decide that I need to leave quickly so I get in my vehicle and speed off. As I do I call my mother to tell her that I am driving home as quickly as I can and that I lover her, I call my fiance but do not get an answer so I leave a message for her telling her the same. As I hang up the phone I notice a road block of military vehicles and I try to ram my way through to no avail. My vehicle stopped completely a large angry looking soldier reaches through the broken glass of my car, grabs me by the shirt collar and begins pulling me through the window. In a last ditch effort to save my life I reach for the pistol under my driver's seat, point the muzzle at the soldier and squeeze the trigger........this is where I woke up.

Chemically induced abortion, much blood & chunks.

Chemically induced abortion, much blood & chunks. Although I am a man, it was treated as routine. No perception of abnormality, though I was expelling the contents of my womb via an orifice which I couldn't identify. Got up, walked about, felt like there was more to go, but I just shat where I sat. Still much blood...

I had dream my mother was in

I had dream my mother was in my kitchen with a tin of white paint I could sense someone was watching us from outside so I tries to close the windows one of them would not close and it was raining heavily, I still felt I was being watched and ran out of the house down the stairs outside two men were trying to steal a blue car and spraying it with chemicals a hid around the side of the house as I was scared they had seen me.

I was walking down the street. It

I was walking down the street. It was a cloudy day. My friends and I were walking home together. Suddenly they walked faster ahead of me and I remained alone. I was very observant of everything. Time slowed down and I notied the trees, black cars and other kids walking home. I fell in a ditch and I saw a little boy walk by. I yelled for help and he helped me out. As I was sweeping the dirt off my dress, I saw inside the hole and saw a dead baby. I screamed and ran towards two, large, wooden doors. I opened them and saw a long hallway with doors on both sides. I opened the first door on the left and I witnessed a Priest molesting a young boy. I tried to go inside to help the child but some unseen force pushed be backward and the door shut loudly. Shocked from seeing that, I contined to the next door, still looking for help. I opened another door and I saw an orgy taking place of Nuns. I felt disturbed by this and walked out. I opened yet another door and saw a doctor injecting a boy full of a chemical that was making his skin boil. In another door I saw a father and son covered in wax. Their eyes moved side to side as if they were telling me to get out. That is precisely what I did. I ran out of the church-like building and fell to the ground. I looked down and I was pregnant, ready to give birth. A business man notices me and helps me through the labor. As i am giving birth, I see the little boy in the beginning of the dream. The man shows me my dead baby, smiles and flungs him high in the air and it falls in the hole I fell when I was walking home.

I just woke up from a dream

I just woke up from a dream where I was a month pregnant in this Blade Runner type world where I'm pretty sure abortion was illegal cuz I had to get the chemicals through some back alley quack. When I found out, I swallowed these chemicals and they made me hurt then bleed and abort the baby. The worse part was, I was totally alone, in the rain somewhere empty. I think I really do have just as much anxiety over getting pregnant as you do.

I was sitting in a bar and

I was sitting in a bar and there were very expensive whiskey bottles on the shelves. Two of my friends walked in and shot a spitball at me, but he missed and hit the shelf, sending a million dollars worth of whiskey shattered on the floor. Then a woman (who looked like my Chemistry teacher) ran by with a glowing stick in her hand. She ran by again and I asked her what she was doing. She then walked up and killed both my friends, making me extremely emotional. She then took me through the memories of a little boy, including his baseball games. Then, she took me to a white room where a convicted rapist was being held. The convicted rapist was apparently the grandfather of the little boy with the memories. The woman began reading the memories to the old man. She told me she had to do this everyday. The old man then motioned me over to a piano and we played a song together. (I have no idea how to play the piano, but I did perfectly in this.) Then, the woman asked the old man how he felt about his son. The old man said nothing. The woman then asked the old man how he felt about his grandson. The man said he wished his grandson was his son. The woman then turned to me and told me to "Solve the mystery" or something very vague like that. When I made the assumption the grandfather attacked the little boy, the woman locked me in a dark room with a purple door. She told me I wouldn't be able to get out until I solved the puzzle. I screamed for her to let me out, but she refused. Then I woke up mid scream.

I dreamed about a girl who, in

I dreamed about a girl who, in person, I met at a bar once and thought was attractive. We had a fleeting moment of chemistry. She was in the dream and we were smoking weed in some apartment. Then police arrived and tried to arrest everyone. I ran and hid in a back room. Outside a window, I could see snow capped mountains (though I currently live in a desert city)

I was Barack Obama's closest friend. There

I was Barack Obama's closest friend. There was a romantic chemistry between us, we had kissed once, but decided not to act on our attraction, since he was married and running for re-election for President of the United States. We were in the den at the White House on the night of the election. While he was waiting for the polls, we were opening gifts that he had received from his followers. He received a barbeque grill. Then he opened this really big gift, which contained a huge, life size can of barbeque ribs and a life-size bottle of barbeque sauce. We were hysterical laughing and he asked me to take a picture of him with the ribs and sauce. I made a joke and said, "you can cook your ribs on the grill you got." His family, a few sons and a couple daughters and his wife, were all out campaigning for him. His daughter came home to get something and screamed at him for having me there. I told her, she should calm down, because we were only friends. She accused me of lying and being pregnant with his child. I assured her that I was not pregnant. She said that I was breaking the family and house rules, to not get pregnant while living at home. He had followed her out the front door, to try to calm down his daughter. I was worried about her telling someone and ruining the election and his chance to be the President of the United States again. Barack did have the choice to leave his family and the presidency and spend his life with me, but neither of us wanted him to give up his dreams. In the meantime, I went to the bathroom to get ready for the party. My best friend, Lisa, came to get me, because I was in a panic state over my outfit. She took me to the main bathroom, where there were alot of women getting ready for the party. It seems that we were all staying at the White House for the weekend, kind of like a retreat. I said to Lisa, that I looked like an army guy fighing in war. I was wearing a black t-shirt, black pants, and black shoes, with a camoflouge green button down shirt over my black t-shirt, which was not buttoned. As we were walking to the party, we stopped to view these boards, almost like the boards, they have up in train stations with the train information. These were the poll tallies at the time. It was undecided stilll who was going to win. The announcer had stated that voting ended at midnight, and I gasped because I had forgotten to vote for Barack. While we were standing there, a lady from work (at the IRS), told me she waiting for my step-son to get there, and he was driving a cadillac and he was 16 years old. Then Lisa and I, met up with my son, Jonathon and my nephew, Justin. We were all sliding down this long hallway, that went on a down slope, to get in line to buy fast food. My nephew wanted nachos with chili and cheese. We were at the party and I watched with love from afar, as Barack celebrated with his family. I could feel the longing in my heart to be with him.