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Recent dreams containing labor page 7

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I had a dream I went to

I had a dream I went to the emergency room for a pain only to find out I was pregnant and going into labor

I was sitting at a table talking

I was sitting at a table talking to my deceased grandmother. She told me she loved me and was sorry. I felt a cold draft and heard a voice from behind me telling her to shut up. She kept saying not yet. The voice was getting closer and closer. I was at the table and could not move or turn around to see this person. She rubbed my belly, kissed me and all I could make out was not yet. As I was sitting at the table, my phone rang and it was my mother. I answered and she apologized, asked me to tell my grandmother she was sorry. All of a sudden I went into labor and 2 tumors came out. The tumors were on the table crying and moving around. The person who was behind me picked up the tumors and walked away. My grandmother came closer to me and held my hand. when I looked back at this monster who had my babies, he was helping their hands walking away and they were now 2 little twin girls. They turned to me, one said good bye mommy and the other said tell daddy its ok. My grandmother kept telling me not yet.

I'm 9 months pregnant and my fiancee

I'm 9 months pregnant and my fiancee has a child with his previous wife we get him every other sunday my dream is we have him and my water breaks labor begins I'm in the hospital and my fiancees ex wife won't cone get their son and my fiancee misses the birth of our child

I'm in labor and my boyfriend Keep

I'm in labor and my boyfriend Keep getting a phone call from a female he's arguing with He tells her to leave him the hell alone and stop calling