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I dreamt I was in a big

I dreamt I was in a big water reserve and I was with some friends floating. At first I could touch the bottom but then my friend told my to go nearer where she was and the water was deep. We went so far until I got scared of big fish trying to eat me so we went back where there were slot of people and asked them to take us on a boat. An old man agreed but his boat was little and he had a cage on it with a dummy. I jumped into the water to get on his boat and there was a dead body right next to me. I screamed and it happened to be the old mans brother. The old mans son was trying to convince us that his dad was safe but we didn’t believe him.

For the past 12 nights I was

For the past 12 nights I was living in a home with 12 kids. 6 boys and 6 girls. Every time the house caught on fire and I had to make sure that all the kids were out of the house safely. Each night a different kid is stuck in the burning house and I have to run in to save them. Every time, I run in and the kid and I both die.

I am lying in my old bed.

I am lying in my old bed. It has a safety bar thing so I don’t fall out. I turn to my left where my brother used to sleep since we shared a room and saw a dark figure lying there. I reach my hand out towards him (somehow the bar thing is gone) and I see the figure reaching towards me. However, the face fails to be recognizable and I scream who are you.

Dream Session November 8th 2017 Reversed order

Dream Session November 8th 2017 Reversed order of a session with James? This one will be a hard one to write, but I will do my best to organize. First Section: I was soaked or have been. My thoughts focusing on maybe perhaps I had fallen into Toluca Lake? It was uncertain. James telling me I needed rest. Second Section: I woke kidnapped. Tied up. I could see a man, unknown to me. What was he? I pieced together he was an enemy of sorts. He had been "tough". Taunting James; whom was tied up himself. Locked away in a shed near where I was laying. The man had grabbed me. James yelling something at him only to get the response: "Mr. Sunderland. Oh Mr. Sunderland. You will soon see I am not after you." James had continued screaming through anger. The man whom had me as a hostage peered inside the shed James was locked in, staring at James between the wooden planks. His laughing. I could feel not only my skin crawl, but James' as well. This distorted man whom James directed his anger to: Who was he? A Cultist of Silent Hill? What did I do to piss off someone like that? From clear indication. This guy didn't want to keep me alive. James was struggling to escape his position. Tied and handcuffed. He seemed to be thinking more clearly than myself. How badly was I beaten? Third Section: We're at Jack's Inn. Time lapse? We escaped? Was it all a dream? Confusion and disoriented. I found James sitting at the small desk writing down, perhaps recent series of events. It seemed like he was in his own thoughts. "You all right?" James breaking away from his writing, realizing I was conscious. Was it really all a nightmare? "You should rest." We were safe. So what's the deal? If what I experienced wasn't a nightmare? Did I almost drown? Was I almost murdered? "Crash" isn't saying anything. Should I be worried? I should observe Crash's face. That would have given me a more solid answer. What about our wrists? I could have examined his wrists or even mine. Markings. Anything. If any of this infact was true. That means James and I aren't alone in Silent Hill. If this is infact true: We aren't safe in Silent Hill. James. The dream/metaphysical experience I had while trying to process all this has been beyond my own comprehension. Whoever that man was whom perhaps used either of us as bait; it's unclear as of right now. What his motives were. It's a troubling thought either of us were being hunted. Regardless. Thank you. As I was being drown by that monster. I couldn't process my thoughts and yet even still I am in awe. I should out right say what's on my mind. Thank you for saving me. I couldn't fight back. Yet as you freed yourself; your immediate goal was to save me without a second thought. I don't know what else to say at this moment.

I was getting chased by my friends

I was getting chased by my friends because they all turned into zombies and were chasing me around my whole town. When I tried to go somewhere safe, all of the doors locked me out so I was trapped.

So Idk if I was driving a

So Idk if I was driving a police car or not but I was driving on the passenger side or shotgun. So I was at this house and for some reason, I was looking at some scarecrows. But then I think Selena Gomez, yes I know a celebrity was there. Burning down the house and we had to get all the animals out of there. Mostly chickens. I had this dream before and Some house I knew how t stop the house from burning down. So then once all the animals were safe and sound we went to our car but it was gone. And for some reason, we knew that the celebrity had taken it. So we were searching a car and well the only car that was there was the police car and my Dad for some reason he doesn't live with us anymore. and somehow my sister and brother appear out of nowhere. Took the car and we drove to these stores in which I can not remember. And so the police owner of the car and found us through his GPA and my dad was trying to talk to him but couldn't so I snatched it from him and talked to the police guy. and that's about it

I dreamt I was in the middle

I dreamt I was in the middle of an earthquake. I was trapped in a van that was being crushed by rubble but managed to escape and then I was trapped in a train tunnel but managed to escape . But I told a man never to lie about us being safe cause we never will be.

My best friend and I are sitting

My best friend and I are sitting on the bus, going to school and I look over at him and he looks at me. His brown eyes felt so warm and safe, as if I could sink into them. I could see myself inside them. I could see that he was accepting all that I am. He smiled and looked back out the bus window. I new he was the one.

I had a dream of going to

I had a dream of going to a huge hotel with my dad, his girlfriend, and my brother Ryan and my dad was like where is the car and he was running through the hotel in his underwear and everyone was looking at him and my brother was like what are you doing you are embarrassing us and they found the car and it was safe.

So the dream starts out with me

So the dream starts out with me and my group of friends in some sort of hotel/apartment thing. My ex gf is also there who is part of our friend group (we both still have some feelings for each other). As I'm walking through the apartment/hotel room a kid who I don't know walks by telling me him and my ex gf are going downstairs so I'm like why not I'll come. We come to an elevator, but while we are waiting I notice something strange start to happen to my ex gf. She started to morph into a girl version of her ex bf before me who was a real douche bag, which understandably freaked me out a little bit. The dream then transferred to all of us on the elevator. FYI- me and 8 of my friends got stuck in an elevator at the Tropicana hotel in Atlantic City for 2 hours a week or 2 prior. Everybody seemed to know the deal, as if the elevator was going to drop. We all counted down 1, 2, 3, jump and we all jumped as the elevator plummeted down. When I jumped I also held onto a metal bar that was above me which kept me secure. Falling in the elevator created a huge sensation of adrenaline, like being on a rollercoster, but I was not scared just more of a rush. Somehow the elevator shot out of the shaft that it was falling and we hit the ground in a parking lot. After bouncing a couple times and a few big thuds we landed safely in a movie theater parking lot by my house. It was just me and my ex gf now and we walked off as if nothing happened. She then asked me if I wanted to go to some bullying seminar with her, I then said yes, all you had to do was ask and we started walking together. Everything I look up tells me that falling and descending elevators are negative dream symbols although the dream didn't end negatively and I was not scared during the free fall as if I knew already what to do. Any insight to the meaning s of these dream symbols would be greatly appreciated and if any more background knowledge is needed I'm happy to oblige.