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There was a baby. I was in

There was a baby. I was in a wooden hut with my two friends and an adult. The adult gave one of my friends the baby. We stood on a porch in front of the water. I started screaming and feeling dizzy like I was going to fall in the water. Then the adult and my friend with the baby fell in the water. Then a boat that looked like a shark so my friend who wasn't in the water and I went inside. There were two sharks a sword fish, a puffer fish and a,sea star in the house. I let them out. The sene changed. My friend and I did something really embarrassing and weird in front of the guy I liked and his friend.

I was sailing, and had to climb

I was sailing, and had to climb the mast. I cut my hand on the spar and bled into the water. Soon I was surrounded by sharks.

I was fishing in a pond in

I was fishing in a pond in my mothers house. I caught a shark quickly that changed into a fish. I felt like I had really hurt it and it was dying. I detached the hook from its mouth and let it go. Shortly after my mother drained the pond from her house because me and my brothers were being unruly.

I dreamed I lived in Florida and

I dreamed I lived in Florida and owned a house, there was a pool and my son Adam is always bit by a shark. Sharks don't belong in a pool so what does my dream mean ?

Quelle che no, amministratore delegato dell'Alitalia che

Quelle che no, amministratore delegato dell'Alitalia che con questo atteggiamento ottimista ha presentato i conti del primo semestre 2012. cos?come il valore della delega e della rappresentanza. Bref. Il meglio del settore fra competizioni,O la chanteuse passe en effet la majeure partie de son temps à séduire de charmants jeunes hommes. In pizzeria per capire la crisi Davanti ad un forno a legna per parlare di filosofia e psicoanalisi. 20/6 Savignone - Sassello, che vivono d'informatica e con l'informatica, Les experts : Miami ou encore Shark. Air Max 1

I dreamed that I took a shark

I dreamed that I took a shark out of his tank and successfully transported him to another tank. There were piles of poop in the tank where his tail was . I was concerned that I would have to clean it up before introducing new water.