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I must be dreaming about something else

I must be dreaming about something else entirely and then all of a sudden I am in a car going round a blind corner and there is a traffic jam which I couldn't have seen and I crash into the back of it - at which point I wake up. This is a recurring dream which I have regularly - it seems to happen when I am stressed.

It is a warm, breezy, starry night.

It is a warm, breezy, starry night. I am on a beach and can hear the tide washing up on the beach. I am alone, and as I walk along I find two baby turtles, just hatched and trying to make their way to the seashore. There is quite a lot of light which confuses them so i try and guide them in the right direction without touching them. I eventually pick one up as its shell is cracked. As I move it towards the sea the crack shrinks and disappears. I put it down and both hatchlings swim off into the sea. Throughout the dream I feel distressed as I want to get them into the sea before other people come along and disturb them.

My husband was with me in bed

My husband was with me in bed got disturned by open door anothet woman distressed, i fell asleep he had sex with her

I was stressed out, frustrated about something.

I was stressed out, frustrated about something. i was a small child. Lord hanuman played father figure. he sat on one of his knees, cuddled me telling me something softly and with a smile on his face. he picked me up.

Dream that not with husband but don't

Dream that not with husband but don't know reason and end up with ex that don't want to be with. Feel sick and distressed and confused

I had a dream about an ex

I had a dream about an ex boyfriend, I walked into some womans house and noticed he was seeing the woman, we were alone at some point and we started talking about current things that were on my mind that distressed me about his situation and having new children and he somehow explained it that he didn't mean to hurt me and he still loved me even though he was with this woman, then we met up a couple of more times throughout the dream, but we didn't do anything like sexual, he just softly kissed me and I felt in the dream, it was weird, then towards the end he was trying to put in effort gain me back. Then I woke up. It seems like everytime I ve on with my life and shut this person and the thought of them out. A weird dream comes to me with this person in it.

Biking in mountains, going into a big

Biking in mountains, going into a big old church, flat tire on bike, repairing the bike with nail polish, getting help from a strange foreigner, being stressed and nervous to be late