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I've been suffering from depression and insomnia.

I've been suffering from depression and insomnia. When I did sleep for a while I dreamt I walked down a stone staircase into a deep blue sea, I swam out but got out of my depth where all the ropes of different widths appeared and one by one they went into my vagina and dragged me along

A zombie apocalypse had taken place. My

A zombie apocalypse had taken place. My best friend and I had survived for years, and we took in anyone in need of help and treated them like family. I saw my best friend lying on the bed, moaning with blood coming from her nose and mouth, her skin looking a bit discolored. I (hesitantly) stuck a screwdriver through her head so she wouldn't have to suffer the mindless existence of being undead. I didn't realize it, but she was speaking fluent English. Although I stabbed her multiple time in an attempt the relinquish her from the hell the world was, she wouldn't pass. I then came to the realization that she wasn't a zombie, because she was speaking to me, telling me that things were going to be okay . She then fell silent and limb, and tears came from my eyes.

I'm just lying there. Completely blank background,

I'm just lying there. Completely blank background, no specific people. i'm suffering from fatal wounds to the heart and head. one of my hands is cut off, and my legs seem like theyre rotting. i'm just lying there like nothing happened, as if in shock. i cant see any signs that i know what's going on.

I dreamt about i have begged god

I dreamt about i have begged god to forgive me why has my life just been one pain and suffering to the next please god please i need truth

My mother had M.S. for twenty five

My mother had M.S. for twenty five years and suffered greatly during that time. She passed away two years ago. I had a dream that my late mother was burried alive. We all thought she was dead but somehow they found out she was alive. The dream takes place in her room in the long term care facility she resided in. She was not well. I felt guilty that I did not know she was still alive and we burried her without checking. But I was really most upset and heartbroken that she has to go through more suffering just to die again. My mother was lying in bed. The room was dim. There was no interaction between anyone just my thoughts and feelings in the dream.