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I was angry that no one knew

I was angry that no one knew it was my birthday so I stormed off, leaving my boyfriend alone at a party. He waiting for me and I came back to find him sleeping. I curled up beside him and went to sleep. In the middle of the night, it started snowing so we ran outside to play in the deep snow. Half-way through this, my boyfriend turned into a past lover. While playing in the snow, a bear came up and threatened to attack me. My lover distracted the bear and I ran away. I found help and we were able to kill the bear, I had a kitchen knife and I personally stabbed the bear till it was dead. My lover was badly hurt, but survived.

We drove off a steep cliff ,

We drove off a steep cliff , my sister was driving , it was so frightening , we were falling so fast , I was repeating a mantra intensely, I knew I could not survive, then there was nothing but light , profound contentment and peace

I had a dream that we were

I had a dream that we were in some fancy apartments and while my husband and i were having sex my sister and other friends had taken my seven month old baby to the pool downstairs then my baby drowned in the water and after taken my baby out she was taken to the hospital and survived but was coughing up some blood. What does it mean?

I was 24 and it was my

I was 24 and it was my wedding day. At the wedding my dad had a heart attack and while we were at the hospital was blown up, but my family and I survived.

I'll be driving down a snowing forest

I'll be driving down a snowing forest road all alone next to a deep fast moving river and ill always go off the road into the river and end up getting out where I’ll have to survive and hope someone will rescue me. I'll always have bigger then normal animals trying to kill me and when i'm about to die or be rescued ill wake up