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I went to a restaurant with a

I went to a restaurant with a friend. In the bathroom, there were clothes all over the floor. The manager said it was lost and found and no one has claimed their clothes, so we took everything we wanted. I found cute shoes, my friend kept picking up ugly things that did not fit her.

Dreaming of shooting stars I was driving

Dreaming of shooting stars I was driving a black BMW and the brakes did not work, I parked went to buy food, stopped at different shops, got back in the car drove brakes did not work banged into back of car, then got out of back seat. Went to the people driving I need help my brakes are broken, they then went to fix it, I spoke to Deni Hines, then got back in car drove went down a hill no brakes it got faster I tried everything manoeuvred it till I turned off key restarted engine, had control of car again then parked it somewhere. I then was at someone's house and looking at the sky the most beautiful stars I had ever seen, then the stars started forming together shooting across the sky and was like a million stars tunnel shooting together and landing, it shot into the room I was in and they were giant beetles and this weird cow looking thing, which a lady tried to hurt and I patted it and it sucked on my hands, I then felt under my skin things were growing and moving, I squashed them to stop, then my skin was obviously a shell as It broke and about 5 cats came out, then the other arm skin broke and a man came out, then my skin was shooting pins and I couldn't get the pins out as they kept growing. Then I was surrounded by men who claimed to be healers !

I find a baby girl on the

I find a baby girl on the streets. I am with someone not sure who and we try to find her mother. We find someone who claims to be her mother and handover the child to her. Later on we find out that woman claiming to be her mother was a fraudster and we run to save the girl from her bad intentions. By the time we reach her police has hand cuffed the woman and led away. In the end I got the feeling atleast the girl is saved.

I find a girl on the streets.

I find a girl on the streets. I am with someone and try to find her mother. We find someone who claims to be her mother and handover the girl to her. Later on we find out that woman claiming to be her mother was a fraudster and we run to save the girl from her bad intentions. By the time we reach her police has hand cuffed the woman and has taken the small girl under her custody. In the end we are glad that the girl is saved.

I find my husband truck and claim

I find my husband truck and claim in back and write all over window calling him a lier cheater and then throw gas on it and light it on fire in frount him

A very realistic dream that even tho

A very realistic dream that even tho my son is now 14, I've been unable to shake from my memory. In the dream I had my son in the hospital, they kidnaped him, claiming he was dead. But, I could hear him crying and tho I was heavily drugged and everything was spinning, I found my way down dark hallways, staying hidden from others. I found my son in a basement that was pitch black. He was alone in a hospital baby bed, with a write spotlight on him. I could hear hospital staff and doctors whispering in nearby rooms and knew they m meant him harm. I took my son and was crouching and crawling thru the halls to keep from being seen. But they were looking for us. I was paying that they wouldn't find us.