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Baby birds and big birds all over

Baby birds and big birds all over my bedroom at night that have gotten in through the walls some how.Torn furniture and curtains from their pecking.

I dreamed I saw a snake in

I dreamed I saw a snake in my bathtub when I opened the shower curtain and it came after me and bit me on the leg. I was so terrified I couldn't move. I screamed for my husband and he came in and ripped its head off.

I started off getting a side job

I started off getting a side job painting a blue house in a neighborhood I grew up in. Then I ended up the parking lot I currently live in taking a shower in a bath tub with a shower curtain around it with my new girlfriend waiting to fight her ex husband. He never showed up and then I am on a subway on my way to jail with a old friend that I did bodily harm to but reconciled with. Then I am in a hospital room with a stranger that I put in the hospital and I shoot at him three times and only one bullet comes out and the gun is empty and I hand the stranger the gun and tell him to shoot me in the back as I walk away because he knows he hates me and I am covered in blood on my hospital gown and there is blood on the wall as I leave the hospital room to go back to my cell in jail and I grab my cell mate and cover him in blood and he is mad and he seems to be a friend and even tho he is mad I am laughing then I wake up!

Curtains moving and as i pushed them

Curtains moving and as i pushed them a force threw me onto my bed and then cut of my breathing.I awoke taking a large intake of breath

A thing was watching me and if

A thing was watching me and if it watched me long enough it would kill me in a slow and painful death. It watched my mum and killed her. I saw the thing watching me and so I closed the curtains so it couldn't see me but it was still there. It was then still outside but not looking at me so i ran outside and killed it by hitting it jumping on it and then slicing its neck with a knife. I then put what seemed like a head with lots of hair in a bag and put it in the bin and then went inside. I then got told by my master that I had to do this once a year to survive.

I wind up in this hotel like

I wind up in this hotel like hospital space. The hotel rooms are huge, but it reminds me of being like patients in a hospital. There are long sheer curtains dividing all of the room, which allows for some privacy, but not enough to feel completely safe and secure, say if I was to spend the night. My cousin Jaylon is with me and I am trying to raise him it seems like. He goes to some public stalls and uses the bathroom and I just want to make sure he knows his way back to our hotel room. The rooms are not very distinct in appearance so he could easily walk into someone else room.