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I was a princess in a castle

I was a princess in a castle and I was sorta like sleeping beauty. There was a prophecy one of us would die, one of us was cursed with sleep and one of us was blessed with powers. I ran away because I had earlier been experiencing both powers and the curse. It didn’t make sense so I ran away to the south and almost got spotted so I ran away to the north. My friends there offered to help but in the place i was staying in i was kidnapped by a man who was handsome. He used a tranquilizer dart so I wouldn't run away and brought me to my kingdom where I fulfilled all of the prophecy. Instead of my sister dying it was my curse that died and I was blessed with powers to protect the kingdom I love.

I am unmarried and I applied a

I am unmarried and I applied a handful of vermillion onto my hair parting which is what married woman do

Dreamed I was at school when suddenly

Dreamed I was at school when suddenly realized I was naked. The other kids and teacher could see my tattoos and piercings and realized me and my family were Illuminati and started to curse us. I tried to explain to them we were actually the White Hats and they'd been misled but they wouldn't believe me and it sucked.

My cousin lied to me that she

My cousin lied to me that she told mom about her boyfriend and I have already texted mom that I have a boyfriend , but I didn't open the message after telling me she was joking

I dreamt that I discovered I had

I dreamt that I discovered I had an adopted brother and sister my entire life, but my parents had never introduced them as that to us so I never realised. It happened really suddenly that I was at home in New Cross, in my room but as an adult, and I think I'd heard some news story about adoption and it had made me think- I wish I had adopted siblings. And all of a sudden it came over me that I did. I'd had an adopted brother this whole time and I had never realised / put 2 and 2 together. I collapsed in tears of joy and sadness at the same time. I ran to where my mum and sister Joanna were tidying away clothes and tried to help and ask questions but I could barely function. My adopted brother was there too - he was a tall, handsome Asian man, very gentle and kind. I asked my mum and dad questions - it turns out they adopted two children, a Polish girl (who was not as close, a difficult adoption it seemed) and this Asian boy, who we had always grown up with and never questioned why. I asked my dad why they never explained to us: "because your mother said you children might not accept / try to sabotage them if you saw them as competition, so decided it was better to not say anything at all." This was classic my parents' approach to parenting- not trusting the kids and keeping their own confidences. I ran away from the room and as I ran I kept collapsing in floods of tears. My whole sense of being and understanding of who I was felt shaken, but I was also overwhelmed with love and affection for this sibling I had never recognised as such. The whole time he was there, quietly and gently present, aware of the emotional roller coaster I was going through and I had hugged him many times in tears already, and apologised for not knowing sooner. I ran upstairs - collapsing in piles of tears alof the way - back to my bedroom where he was in the bed and threw myself into his arms in the darkness and in my tears. I woke up then, not 100% sure if the love I expressed in that moment was more than that for a brother. It was possibly the relief of finding a soul mate. I dreamt this after an argument with my brother who earlier that day said he could not help me / give me advice about my relationship with Ben. I was very hurt and cried a lot - similarly completely overwhelmed / isolated. I felt quite betrayed by him in that moment. He has always been my closest confidante.

I had a dream I can remember

I had a dream I can remember which is a rare thing. It had death in it which seldom happens in my dreams. In the dream – I sensed my dream had reference to another dream I had, but I do not remember that dream. In that other dream, like in movies, my body was clothed and in bad shape so we decide to change the body. And with some sort of magic technology, I get my face and everything back. This time, my old body is sent back to me in a plastic coffin with a USA flag on it. At first, I was surprised and sound drama. They were bringing it back to me. I said to them “I don't know what to do with it guys”. They replied "It's yours...." I instantly felt distant to the situation. I already have my new body now but I knew the dead body is mine. I did not care what was happening. I asked to open the box that now is a plastic coffin. It was warm inside it. I saw my old body. My face was pretty so I barely recognized myself. My legs were very very fine. "Yes they do good work!!! Looks so nice!" Then it was time to take the body, so we (the people bring the body and I) placed it somewhere. But even more strange, the body started to get into the position of a cat and sleep. And it was very soft, like a cat... "Yes it sleeps a lot"