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Dropping and Spilling @ a Party We

Dropping and Spilling @ a Party We are at a party and are all school teachers. We are having a party at the home of a male colleague. It is a very lovely decorated home. We are having drinks; laughing; and talking. Our colleague's wife arrives. We are all introduced to her. She is very short and a little stocky; but a very attractive brunette. She seems to have a rather serious personality. She does not have a drink in her hand but goes about the house putting items in their proper place which to her seem out of place. Several women in the group make comment about her stoic demeanor and lack of friendship. At dinner, I am asked to help and am passing out the handsome china plates. He notices that his wife is in line instead of helping with the serving. He says, "well that is what you get when you marry a lawyer". I drop the plates, but they don't break. I was then asked to take a bowl of gravy, and I spill part of it on the floor. As we are seated and mashed potatoes are being passed, I spill them also. I sit embarrassed. One guess says, "We we won't have to be concerned about seconds, Rudy took care of that". I responded by saying, "You are not going to have to worry about your diets today".

My boyfriend is had a dream about

My boyfriend is had a dream about his ex girlfriend who passed away by killing her self. It something I don't really have control over but he told me that he dreamed that he was choosing her over me, which is something I would rather not hear. Anyways, I was wondering what this means or if there's anything we can do to fix this because I honesty don't feel like fighting with a spirit or dead person.

I dreamed of a cow and her

I dreamed of a cow and her calf. They were in a stable with many other cows. The stable was dirty, the floor was covered with mud and dirty hay. They were rather isolated from the rest of the cows, but not in a strange way (it looked like that was the place they should be). The mother cow was nursing her calf. She was a large cow, kind of fat. The cow turns slowly her head and looks at me, I wasn't there in person though (I was like a cameramen) and suddenly the upper side of her body, directly up from the "nursing post", explodes, spraying a liquid out of the hole (it was a little one, and the liquid was colored faint yellow with black mixed in it, but it was realistic, it looked like rotten milk). Directly after the explosion, the cow starts screaming and jumping. First she makes a kick gesture and then jumps over her calf, who stands motionless, and starts running trough the stable's alley, screaming and, for a second, it seemed to me like she changes form, becoming kind of rectangular with the head fused with the body. While she runs she has the tongue sticking out of her mouth and keeps staring at me with one eye, like horses do sometimes. The cows, including mother and child, where white with black spots, although, when changing appearance, the mother turned all black (but the tummy and the rest of the lower body remained white). The cows were dirty in color, not bright white. I'm male 35 years old. Hope I gave enough information ;)

I was awakened in by bed, within

I was awakened in by bed, within my own bedroom, the lighting dark, faint streams of daylight streaming through the window; I lying down, I noticed that my Obama "Hope" poster had morphed into a dark poster stating THE CONJURING as a title, with a picture of a rather horrifying, ghoul-like feminine figure, the words "Death is Coming" written in blood on it. I looked to search for my iPod, beneath my pillow, and then it was completely invisible.

My sister speaks of let's get Chinese

My sister speaks of let's get Chinese food, I think would rather other Asian or other food, decide to broaden my horizons, as sister has talked of the experience. I go to look up the address, only to find what I have typed is very different

Last august 22, 2013 past 5 am

Last august 22, 2013 past 5 am i dreamed my ex boyfriend where in a situation that two personalities showed me up like the same name, same faces and body features. the 1st guy who haven't a boyfriend was my friend and the 2nd guy, who is my ex bf was with her girl. the first guy talked to 2nd guy and said, why did u left ur gf where in fact that she's okey rather than ur girl? then the 2nd second guy didn't answered and was able to woke up already. we just separated ways with my bf without any reasons. what does this dream means? help!

I dreamed I was getting married. I

I dreamed I was getting married. I told my family. My elder brother wanted to borrow 1 Euro. I told him I only had a five euro note. He said " OK. I take that". My other brother said, he didn't want a car to go to the wedding. He would rather walk it.

I dream about a lion chasing me

I dream about a lion chasing me but I didn't want to hurt it but rather contain it, which I eventually succeeded in locking it in.

This next dream I was traveling with

This next dream I was traveling with family and friends. It was as if we were on a cruise ship, but I'm not certain. I went up a few floors to an office area, so I could make xerox copies of something without having to pay for it. I was trying to be very discreet about this, and yet, I was making a lot of copies too. At one point, I recall peeking in to see what number had just printed, and it was at 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 then I looked away again It was during the day, people about and such. Yet, there I was standing at the desk making the copies. I remember the machine sort of had a problem, and the copies were getting all tangled up--and I was again discreetly trying to arrange them. They were not misprinted just popping out of the machine so fast and going every which way, rather then being neatly piled up on the sheet before it. I needed it in order, so, I was trying to fix them as they came out of the machine without drawing a lot of attention to myself. At one point, my father appeared to me, (he is deceased, but in the dream was not). He was just checking on me to see if all was okay. I assured him all was, and he left to go find my mother and sister. Then, a bit later, my friend ,(also deceased), also came in to see what I was doing. Apparently I was up there at the copier for awhile. I had apparently missed breakfast and this friend of mine brought some muffins to eat. At that point, the copying I had to do was done, and I was gathering it all together and putting it in some sort of manageable order so I could get out before being found out. However, I also recall sitting on top of this desk and reaching into the paper bag to get a muffin. there were muffins, and long italian breads and such inside here-so more hten muffins. I also recall telling my friend that I really shouldn't eat these, as I'm not suppose to, but handed her a muffin and I think I took one out for myself, all the while we were giggling. Another weird part of this dream is that while I felt like the copier was on a desk--when I was finished, it was actually an old dresser that I own, and it was inside one of the drawers. But, that was not 'odd' at all in this dream. It seemed perfectly natural to me and my friend. We were not really inside a room, but like in a large opening, with other doors (to offices?) all around it. People were coming and going, but not paying me much mind.

I was in a flat (not one

I was in a flat (not one I recognised) when I saw a young man watching me. I was frightened and confused as to how he had reached me so high up so I began to run. I was running through a market (also not a place I know) and began to get lost, I then past my ex boyfriend and rather than ask him for help I continued to run but the man who was chasing me caught me by my chain around my neck began to pull and swing me around by it. I then fell to the floor and woke up. But the strangest thing is, when I woke up my chain is now considerably longer. its white gold and should obviously not be able to stretch but its become so long I can slide it over my head. What should I do?